Thursday, April 27, 2006

DHV - Demonstrating Higher Value. Whaaa?

There was a point when Holiday, our other friend, and I, them moreso than I, would learn magic (no, not Magic: The Gathering) as a way of DHV. We would carry a deck of cards around with us whenever we went out and would perform magic tricks. They did work and we got good responses. However, looking back, I now see them more as a training wheel, a crutch that we used to give us an easy DHV and something that we could use in all of our sarges.

Now that I am further along in my development as a PUA, I know there are more effective ways at DHV. While magic tricks, rune reading, and palm reading do have their place, it's harder for girls to make a connection with you when the DHVs you use really don't give that much insight about you. While they do DHV, there are obviously better options: namely, storytelling, frame control, and qualify qualify qualify. By using these, girls are able to gain a better insight into who YOU are and not just what you can do.

However, I'm going to write about one of my experiences using magic as a DHV. I will write about storytelling, frame control, and qualifying in a later post.

The following takes place in December 2005.

Holiday, our other friend, and I decide to go to the YH at the IS to do some sarging. We get a table and relax, get a couple of drinks. I first open up a 5 set. It's a bachelorette type of gathering. One of the girls is getting married and they're out having a drink before the big day. I use the Drunk GF and it opens them up. Chat for a bit. Good warm-up. I then tell Holiday I'm gonna go out and try on the patio. I see a 3 set there smoking, so I go up and ask for a cigarette. Light up, smoke a little. Then I open them up with Drunk GF. Works big time, we're chatting back and forth. Holiday comes out and helps me wing. We're all having good conversation and generally having a good time. I say, to repay you for the cigarette, I'm going to show you some magic. I proceed to do "discount magic," which gets them laughing. I then pull out the deck of cards and do some magic. It leaves them in awe. One of the girls is like, "are you a Devil worshipper or something?" And I respond with a "no" and flash my cross. Bad move. That was a shit test. Again, newbie mistake. So we chat for a little longer and they say they have to go in before they stop cooking food but that we should go in and find them. They leave and Holiday and I just chill there for a bit. We head back inside to find our other friends and decide not to find those girls again.

What I learned:
1. Shit tests. Watch out for them. Don't qualify yourself to the set. Ever. It DLVs. Not a good thing.

After the sarge I felt great because Holiday was telling me that all the other people were watching our interaction with the 3 set and it seemed like groups of guys (who looked like they wanted to talk to the girls we were talking to) were wondering how the hell the 2 of us were talking to these girls.

However, even though I felt great, I felt like there was something missing. I didn't know what it was at the time, but now, I think I know what. Essentially, by performing the magic tricks, I had become a performer, not a seducer. Even though I had DHV, I hadn't formed a connection with any of the girls and I wasn't seen as anything more than maybe as just a fun, entertaining guy. A PUA needs to be more than that. He needs to connect with his sarges on a more emotional and deeper level. While entertaining can be good, there is much more that needs to occur if you want to get that girl to give you her number and then to get her into your bed.

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

Holiday: and IM convo's can be emailed
Holiday: the conversation could start out w/me asking how her jeans were fitting these days
Holiday: and if there was anything hanging out
Holiday: like from the sides
Holiday: or maybe the front
Holiday: spilling over like water water baloons

lol. where does he come up with this stuff? freaking hilarious. it refers to someone I don't like so much anymore. hahaha.

Where Are the Really Hot Girls At? Vegas!!

The following takes place over the weekend of Dec. 2 - 4, 2005.

Holiday, a couple of friends, and I head out to Sin City, Las Vegas, NV for some fun and a sort of early birthday celebration for me. This would prove to be a weekend where my game took a step up and forward, but would also forecast part of the future.

The first night, Holiday and I set out to the Palms Casino where the younger crowds tend to hang out. We walk around deciding if we want to go into Rain or maybe Ghost Bar. We decide against both and just decide to try to open up a few sets around the casino. We make small talk with a few girls here and there, but nothing significant, so we go to the McDonald's in the Palms to go chill. I see a 2 set walk up and sit at the table next to us, so I go for it.

As I get up to talk to them, one of the girls gets up and walks to go order. No matter. I open the one girl with the Drunk GF opener. This girl is completely trashed. She has a hard time understanding the opener, but we talk through it anyway. Her friend comes back and I re-state the opener and we engage in conversation. I then run the Best Friends Test. They look at each other. It works like money. It's golden. Girls love chick crack. We vibe a little longer then tell them I need to get back to my friend. So they're like, why don't you have your friend come sit with us? Money. So I go get Holiday and tell him to come sit with us. We chat with them for a bit. We find out one of the girls is married and the other has a bf. (there will be more married/engaged girls as my sarges progress. why? i haven't figured that out yet...) We chat with them a bit more then decide to eject and head back to our hotel to find our other friends. Nothing else happens and the night ends.

The next day, we head out to the Wynn buffet and stuff ourselves. Great food. We then go look at the Ferraris. Beautiful cars. Someday...haha. After the Ferraris, Holiday and I again split off from the group and try to walk around the Wynn and do some opening. Simple stuff to warm up: "Do you have the time?" "Have you guys seen the Ferraris yet?" We then go to the mall across the street to maybe do some sets in there. Talk to some hired guns, but that's about it. It's almost dinner time, so it's time to meet up with the rest of the guys and go to Hofbrauhaus.

If you haven't been to Hofbrauhaus, I suggest you go. They have liter beers in huge steins. It has a very Oktoberfest atmosphere with stein holding competitions and other events. It's a drunken good time.

So we proceed to get drunk, dine on awesome German food (sausages and the like), and be very much entertained. It's good male bonding shit and I actually have a long conversation with the guy in the bathroom that hands out the paper towels. It would help to warm up my vibing skills. After spending about 2 hours having a jolly time, we head back to the hotel to change and get ready for the night.

Again, Holiday and I split off from the rest of the group and headed out to the Hard Rock to go to Baby's because we had picked up free admission passes at the mall earlier. The passes would later turn out to only be fliers and not actually free admission into the club. Boo false advertisement.

While in line, we chat it up with some 30 year old ladies to get warmed up a little. It works pretty well. After getting to the front and finding out we in fact won't be getting in for free, we decide that since we already took the time to get out there, we might as well go in. So Holiday covers my admission and we go in. We decide to sarge in the upstairs area around the bar. I run the Drunk GF opener on multiple sets. Some go well. Some don't get very far because it's loud as hell in there. Then I run into a HB Latina that's an 8 or 9. She's freaking hot, so I open up the 2 set, or so I thought. The opener works very well. Best Friends test next. They're sisters. It works like a charm. BAM! I'm in. Meanwhile, Holiday is talking to the rest of the set (turns out it was like a 7 or 8 set). So I isolate my target and we're talking. Holiday then calls me over to talk. So I walk over and talk to him and he introduces me to some guy. Apparently, the guy is friends with the HB. Chat with him for a bit, he's total AFC. I say "excuse me" and head back to my target. Chat up with her some more. Run Cs vs. Us. They're just eating this stuff up and HB's UG sister is falling for Holiday. I laugh. He can't get away from her. Apparently, it's HB's birthday and they're there celebrating, so we connect on the fact we're both there celebrating birthdays. Good shit. We're talking and HB's other girl friends come up and say they're going to the dancefloor to dance. They told her to come dance with them. She says not yet. They ask, how long. She says she doesn't know. They ask how long again. She responds in an angrier tone that she doesn't know. Her friends respond meekly to come find them on the dance floor later. I am money. I got a HB to diss her friends so she could talk to me. THIS SHIT WORKS!! So I chat with her a little longer. I then tell her that it's her birthday and she should go find her friends. She smiles, says OK, kisses me on the cheek and leaves. I'm freaking stoked. This is an awesome trip. haha. It's getting pretty late by now and Holiday and I are getting pretty exhausted so we decide to leave.

We chill in the Hard Rock for a while, scoping out all the hot chicks. We see AC Slater. We freak out. It's time to go back to the hotel.

We get back and decide to get a bite to eat at the cafe in the hotel. We get our food and sit outside. I see a 3 set and decide to approach. Drunk GF. Opens them up. I'm high energy. I'm the shit. Things are going well. Run best friends test on 2 of them. They eat it up. Then I tell them that I need to go back to my friend, so they tell me to go bring him there. So I go get Holiday and we merge groups. He tries to run game, but he's tired. He has no energy. His lack of energy is draining the energy and life from the 3 set. We're losing them. I interject with high energy and girls pick it up again. The set just kind of dies. So Holiday and I retire for the night and the weekend. Great learning experience.

What I learned:
1. Energy level. It needs to be high. If it's not high, the girls won't respond. Holiday has since eliminated that sticking point and he's so money in sets.
2. This shit works!

Fun ass weekend. Great results for a newbie. Things are progressing smoothly.

First Time for Everything - Club Approaches

The following takes place in November 2005.

So Holiday's cousin is throwing a party at some club in Hollywood. He invites us to go along with him. He also brings along OCWaterBoy, best friend of AsianPlayboy and OC king of Direct Game. This is going to be a very eventful and educational night.

We get to the club and get in and the first set is mine. A 2 set of Asian girls. Good warm-up. I use the same opener about my friend buying a dog and wanting to name it after an 80s cartoon character. It gets a decent response, but I'm not used to vibing at all yet and it kind of dies out. Then I use another opener, boxers or briefs. It has a little steam, but it dies and so does the conversation. I eject.

We all open sets while OCWaterBoy looks on, sending us into sets.

Somewhere along the lines, I start using an opener of, "So are you guys here for the birthday party or the fashion show?" Holiday's cousin is affiliated with the fashion show and we somehow found out there was a birthday party being celebrated at the same club. It gets some response, but since I had no other material and lacked in vibing skill, those sets went nowhere and I would eject.

OCWaterBoy tells us to try the Drunk Girlfriend opener, which would become one of my staples for quite a while. Like Style says, there's nothing girls like better than talking about relationships.

By now, I'm pretty exhausted. I've already opened around 7 sets, but I decide to go for one more. I use the Drunk GF opener on a 2 set. It pretty much tanks. It doesn't engage both girls. One girl, pretty much just completely ignores me and gives me this, what is this guy talking about look. The other girl pays attention and answers the opener, but it just looks like she is trying to help/being nice. I eject and OCWaterBoy says, wow, I could tell all the way from over here that that didn't go so well. Their body language was completely out of it.

A couple of things I learned from these interactions:
1. Congruency. You need to feel congruent with whatever material you're using or the girls will see right through you as being fake. You need to find what you feel comfortable using and keep using it until you get it down. Practice practice practice.
2. Not having any energy. This was probably the biggest reason for the flop in the last set. If you don't go in friendly, upbeat, and with some energy, you're going to get blown out. No one's going to want to listen to you if you're tired, frowning, and have no energy. This will also be seen in the Vegas sarges in a future post.

It was also on this night where I saw the possibility that the Best Friends Test could really have potential and work. It would be used in Vegas.

My Very First Cold Approach

The following takes place some time in October/November 2005.

After finishing The Game, it was time to start trying out some of the things we had read about. It would begin with some approaches a la Mystery Method.

At the time, Holiday and his roommate lived in Costa Mesa, essentially right across the street from Triangle Square. Due to the convenience, we decided to head over there and make our way to Yardhouse.

Once the escalators had reached the top floor, a seated 2 set was immediately visible, so it was time for me to approach. It's always that first set that's the hardest to approach. A tight knot forms in your stomach and you want to run away, but somehow, you make your legs continue in their motion, but you know that any disturbance or breeze will send you running. As I reach the 2 set and begin to approach from the front, they start talking to some middle aged woman. I'm thinking, "FUCK! What do I do now?!" Instead of running and whimpering, I decided it was too late now, I needed to press through. So I squatted in front of them (not the best position to be in, but a newbie mistake) and proceed to carry on with the opener: "Hey guys, I wanted to get your opinion on something." And then proceed to tail off as if I had *just* realized they were talking to the middle-aged woman.

D: "Oh, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."
2 set: "Oh, it's ok. We were just trying to find out where Shark's is at. Do you know?"
D: "Um, shoot, I can't recall exactly."
Middle-aged woman (MAW): "I think it's (somewhere). Does that sound right?"
D: "Yeah, I think that sounds right."
MAW proceeds to leave.
D: "As I was saying, I wanted to get your guys' opinion about something. My friend is buying a dog and he wants to name it after some 80s cartoon. Have any ideas?"
2 set: "No Idea. Well, actually..."

From there, we try to come up with cartoons, but can't come up with any. 80s cartoons are tough to remember.

Somewhere along the lines, Holiday calls me up and tells me not to squat and go sit in a chair at their table. So I proceed to walk around and sit down in front of them and they turn around to face me. Good call. We shoot the shit some more. They tell me they were trying to get into Sutra, but couldn't get in because they're under 21 so they were trying to find another place to go to since they drove out all the way from Riverside. We talk some more and I eject as I didn't really want to talk to them any longer. I now wanted to open more sets, talk to more people. A new hunger started to take life. A hunger that only a select few people know about.

So I told them it was nice to meet them and good luck. Went off to find my friends and went into Yardhouse where there were no other sets to open. And that was that.

A couple of things I did wrong looking back on that first set:
1. Squatting. Never squat in front of the girl/set. It's very awkward. Instead, if there's an open chair, go sit in it. DUH. Or pull up a chair. Or make the girl stand up, twirl her around and steal her chair.
2. Leaning in during conversation. Back then, I had a bad habit of always leaning in whenever I spoke to people. Always lean back, relax, and take up a lot of space. Make them lean into you.
3. Nervous laughter. That's a problem that took me a long time to get over. It shows nervousness and lack of confidence. It can also show a deficiency with regards to social interaction. Not exactly what you want to portray.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My First Post as an Aspiring PUA

Well, I have finally started a blog to document my journey. It is actually pretty exciting since I have been an aspiring PUA for the past 6 months now. I first got into the Game when a couple of friends, which includes my most trusted wing Holiday, told me to read The Game by Neil Strauss. I had just gotten out of a relationship (if you can call it that), and I decided that I had been sitting on my ass long enough. It was time for a change because even though I had just been banging the hottest girl I knew, that situation didn't last. Something went wrong somewhere and I wanted, no, needed to know how to make all of my relationships with the opposite sex be more like my first long-term relationship (a cute girl, but not as hot as the last girl), where I had all the power and the girl always kept coming back for more. Seeing that hot girl (the last girl) eventually become fat and ugly while I started banging even hotter girls was additional motivation that I used to start me on my journey. So at that, my wing Holiday, another friend, and I started on our journey to becoming PUAs.

Before I get into the stories of what has already taken place, I will point out the goals I have set out for myself to pace my progress as a PUA, some of which I have already accomplished. Of course, they get more difficult as they get completed. Without further ado, here are my goals:
1. Learn material/Read as much about pick-up as I possibly can.
2. Start approaching.
3. Create attraction, build rapport, and comfort.
4. # close.
5. In club makeout/kiss-close.
6. Day 2s.
7. F-close.
8. mLTRs.
9. LTR with the One.

A little more background on me. Now, unfortunately, unlike many of the PUAs you might have read about in The Game, I view pick-up as a hobby, a lifestyle, and not as an obsession. I do not go out 4-5 nights a week. If I sarge 2 nights a week, I consider that a very productive week. This is more a fact of circumstance than a real choice. If I had a choice, I probably would sarge a whole lot more, but I value my income, job, and future financial stability too much to sacrifice that in order to bang a lot more hot chicks. I wouldn't consider myself in as much a dire situation as many other aspiring PUAs. In a way that helps since I am currently working at a job that requires many long hours during the week leaving me very little time to do any weeknight sarging. Am I planning on staying at this job forever? Of course not. I know it is stunting my growth as a PUA and that is probably THE main reason why I am looking for another job.

...or maybe I'm just being "an Excuser" as Shark would say, but for now, it's the life that I lead.

For all the other PUAs out there, I hope you find my blog entertaining, invigorating, sometimes unbelievable, but most of all, helpful and educational. Please feel free to leave me comments/suggestions.