Monday, August 27, 2007

Challenge: Summary

I had to postpone my additional 5 days due to being completely swamped at work. I was so swamped at work that I even missed the PUA Convention in Hollywood this past week. I was pretty bummed. I heard APB had a badass speech. I'm sorry I missed it.

Anyway, as a result of my challenge, I decided to write a summary. I was going to do it after my additional 5 days were done, but I decided to write it now since I'm not sure when I'll be able to get my 5 days in (due to work).

As a result, here is my summary of my 30 day challenge. I will then add on the 5 days later with an additional summary:

My original intent for this challenge was to get me out my funk: more specifically, get my ass ass and go out and talk to women instead of going out and being content to just chill with my friends. I had gotten pretty sick some time ago after going out almost every night and that had a lingering effect on my attitude of continually going out. It had affected my subconscious and my state was continually off every time I went out. I had lost a lot of motivation to go out and to approach.

Anyway, I ended up taking around 2 or 3 months off from actively gaming. I did close a girl here and there, but I just wasn't making the effort to do cold approaches. As a result, my AA came back and prevented me from making cold approaches. I would come up with some excuse to not approach leaving me pretty frustrated with myself once the night was over. I would come up with lame excuses that I would later realize was just my AA giving me reasons not to approach. I knew that once I got my AA back to a manageable level, I would be good to go, since I knew the rest of my game was pretty much intact (evidenced by the closes I got during my funk). Hence, the final goal of this challenge was to regain the desire and comfort level to go out almost every night (get over my recently developed subconscious fear) and to get my AA to a manageable level. I also wanted to try to increase my sexual framing and try to take that to a new level - I wanted to field test some things during this challenge.

They were reasonable goals that I knew would be achievable if I stuck to the challenge. (side note: I also wanted to avoid paying ch0n60 a lot of money - another goal Laughing )

The first week basically involved huge amounts of AA and trying to work myself through all of that. There was some tough going at first and lots of lame openers, but I was able to get my approaches in and could start to see the AA fade. I even closed a couple of different chicks and had a great time.

The second week was interrupted by a lot of work and I didn't get in that many approaches, but it was still a good week and my AA stayed manageable.

The third week was the money week. Best week of all. Had interactions with hot chicks. The meeting with Vince. # closed a hot blonde and found a great formula for me: D + Wednesday + Busby's + blonde girl + girl named _e____e_ (actual name left out) = D walking away with that girl's number. haha. Learned a great lesson. Chill day. Fun night + LR. HB 9.99999. Awesome awesome week. If only all my weeks could be like that. haha.

Fourth week, a bit of a let down. Lots of work. AMOGed an older dude after he had already opened the HB. Awesome interaction with one chick. Got my ass grabbed twice. Overall, I guess it wasn't a bad week. haha.

Last couple days was work and 1 day of approaches.

At the end of it all, I definitely achieved my goals. My AA, although never really going away, became extremely manageable. The first approach was always the hardest, but by then end, I was opening without any hesitation and even went in and opened a hot chick that was already talking to a guy who was already having a decent conversation with her.

I also got laid, so just based on that, I'd say the challenge was a success.

I did increase my sexual framing and lost my fear of turning things sexual (hence, leading up to the lay).

In addition to that, I lost my fear of making a mistake. As thee_jacas says, I learned to internalize, "fuck that shit!"

I also learned many subtle points about myself and my sticking points:
1) I need to keep pushing the interaction and better recognize situations where the girls still want to talk to you - I tend to eject when I'm not interested even though I could probably have interesting conversation and interactions with girls that I open
2) I learned how to recognize obvious and discreet AIs
3) I need to keep working on my sexual framing and physical escalation - sexual framing makes the conversations a lot more fun and interesting and amps up the BT
4) I need to drink less
5) I need to stop smoking so much
6) I learned how to better game hired guns
7) I need to parade girls around (move locations) to build social proof
Cool I need to not think so linearly - think outside of the box and find ways to be an "artist"
9) I can say things sexually that I might have once thought would offend a girl, but in reality, if properly calibrated, can be a handy tool in any interaction.

I'm sure there was more that I can't think of right now and have internalized, but I think that pretty much sums up those 30 days. It's amazing I was able to complete it all and it was a great experience.

Hopefully, the posts in this challenge have been entertaining (when there were actual FRs) and maybe an inspiration to some.

If anyone has been considering doing a 30 day challenge, I would suggest doing it. It can only help your game.

Until the next 5 days...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Challenge: Day 30 FR

I wanted to write this up earlier, but I've been ridiculously busy at work.

So I ended up working till 8:30 last night, so I could have claimed the 8PM exemption and only do 1 approach, but I wanted to go out with a bang on the 30th day. It didn't happen, but I did get 2 approaches in.

Went to Linens and Things after work, but that place sucks ass. Not just in terms of girls, but also things that are actually buyable. Haha.

Left and went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Much better selection. After walking around the entire store, I found that there was one decent looking girl in the store, but she was being helped by one of the floor people. I decided I would get my shopping done first then try to open her.

Fuck, they don't have any floor lamps that I like. Look at bath mats and I'm not really all that impressed. I keep looking and I find this group of mats with an awesome design. I love it. However, there are 2 colors and I can't really choose between them (well, I do have a favorite). Perfect, I've got my opener should I see that girl again. I decide to grab both of them and walk around the store some more. Maybe they have other floor lamps in another section.

I see the decent looking girl looking at candles and I decide to approach.

Approach 1

D: "Excuse, this is random, but you seem like the laid back type, and I could use your help with something. You are the laid back type, right?"
Girl: "haha, yeah."
D: "You're not going to claw my eyes out or anything?"
Girl: "haha, no."
D: "Cool." *high five* "OK, so I'm trying to decide between these bath mats. Which one would you pick?"
Girl: "Hm, that one."
D: "This one? So...if you were going to spend the night at a guy's place and take a shower, you'd prefer to step out onto this bath mat instead of this one?"
Girl: "hahaha, yeah, i guess so."
D: "Awesome! Thanks for your help. What's your name?"
Girl: "I'm girl."
D: "Cool, I'm D. Again, thanks for your help."

And...I walk away because I couldn't think of anything else to say to her. haha. oh well. She was OK, not really my type. It would take some alcohol to get me to consider her. Yes, I know, own the set, blow or blow me out, but if I don't want her to blow me, does it really apply? Anyway, I did like where I was taking the conversation and setting up the sexual frame. I can definitely tell that I'm starting to frame things more sexual and care less about what I talk about in my conversations. Definitely a positive.

I make my purchase and go to Whole Foods. Maybe get some food. Will probably get my breakfast from here. Maybe get some approaches in. Didn't get any food since it didn't look good. Got my breakfast bars, but didn't find any girls to approach.

Make my way over to CCC to pick up some dinner. As I'm walking in a cute brunette is walking out.

Approach 2

I kind of stumble with the open since I wasn't really prepared to approach, but I did it anyway.

D: "Hey, leaving already?"
HB: "Yeah..." (with a weird look on her face)
D: "Oh, well, I just wanted to say that I think you're cute."
HB: "Oh, thanks!"
D: "I'm D."
HB: "I'm HB. Thanks again! It's nice to meet you, but I have get going. Thanks again."
D: "Nice meeting you."

And she scurries off...haha. Not exactly the best way I wanted to end my 30th day, but oh well.

Grab my dinner.

I was going to go out some and celebrate after I ate, but I couldn't find anyone that wanted to go out. At the same time, I had a lot of stuff to clean up at the old apartment and even more stuff to move, so I stayed in and got some work done.

It's been a great 30 days, except for all of the work, but I've learned a lot and accomplished a lot. I exceeded my expectations for the challenge, so that has been great.

Final Amount of Money Owed ch0n60: $150.

Stay tuned for the 30 Day Challenge +5 more days next week...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Challenge: Day 29 FR

So I decided to take a day off and get other parts of my life in order (i.e. working out and moving to my new apt) and also rest up since I don't think I've had a full night's sleep in over 3 weeks. Probably not the best for my health...

Anyway, I owe ch0n60 more money.

Money owed ch0n60: $150.

As a side note, I am planning on extending this challenge for 5 days, but the 5 days will take place from the 21st to 25th. I need a break to do more moving and I will be going to Vegas this weekend, so I'm going to be approaching when I'm there anyway. In addition, there will be no more money on the line after today (day 30). Sorry ch0n60. You're already getting a ton of my money.

I'm just doing it for my own benefit now.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Challenge: Day 28 FR

Was moving all day and then got called into work and worked till past midnight.

Claiming the exemption for the day.

Money owed ch0n60: $100.

I will add a couple of days to this challenge.

Challenge: Day 27 FR

Was supposed to write this earlier, but was hungover and didn't have it in me to write anymore after the last post.

Anyway, went down to OC for the day so I could have claimed the 1 approach exemption, but I wouldn't need it tonight.

Picked up thee_jacas and met Ulysses, 4FivE6, and Gucci at Beauty Bar in Hollywood. b33p was also there since he was teaching a workshop and jeromevincent showed up after thee_jacas and I had arrived.

I had never been to Beauty Bar, but it was a cool, small little place in Hollywood. I thought it was a good place.

Anyway, I'm pretty tired as the night starts off. I'm in the middle of moving to a new apartment. I have already moved my bed to the new apt., but most everything else is still at the old apt., so I had slept on the couch at my old apt and it hadn't been a great sleep.

Ulysses, 4FivE6, and thee_jacas were good to go from the beginning of the night. I had a little trouble starting myself off.

I was standing there talking to thee_jacas when this group of girls started talking behind me. I couldn't help but overhear...

Approach 1

HB Disgust: "OMG, I can't believe that guy, I think I'm going to throw up. Ah, seriously, that guy made me want to throw up."
D (with a slight turn so that I'm talking over my shoulder to her): "Woah woah woah. Please feel free to throw up but just not on me. Thanks."
HB Disgust: "haha, don't worry, I'll be sure to go to the bathroom."
D: "Alright, well, then when you get back, you will have to be sure to tell me why you need to throw up."
HB Disgust: "haha, ok, i promise I will tell you later."
D: "Sounds good."

Then her and her friends walk off to the bathroom. I did this all with my back to her and just talking over my shoulder.

I go back to talk to thee_jacas. I think I start talking to jeromevincent who's at the bar and this girl is dancing on the dancefloor behind me. She's rubbing up against my back with her back and ass. Hm... I try to dance back into her back. After a bit of that I decide to open her.

Approach 2

D: "Did you just grab my ass?!" (credit thee_jacas - hahaha)
She looks at me weird and replies, "No..."

So I just laugh to myself and walk away.

I wander around and just mingle with everyone.

I run into HB Disgust and tell her, "OK, now you need to tell me what you were so disgusted by earlier."
HB Disgust: "haha, ok. So this guy comes up to us and starts talking to us. He's wearing this green velvet shirt. It was disgusting. Guys should know when a girl is out of their league and stay away."
D: "OMG, you're such a brat. Just not liking a guy because he has bad fashion sense. So what did he open you up with?"
HB Disgust: "He just came up and asked for our names."
D: "No way! I was going to do that too! It's a good thing I didn't do that then..."
HB Digust laughs
thee_jacas comes over and joins the interaction.
we all start talking and then HB Digust notices something and she whispers to me: "Oh no, your friend is wearing velvet!" So I laugh and tell HB Disgust to explain the situation to thee_jacas. She does and she starts busting on poor thee_jacas for wearing velvet about he's in the wrong century. Something like that. I call her a brat a couple more times. We're all having a good time busting on each other.
D: "So would you say my outfit is banging?"
HB Disgust: "Yeah, definitely. I like your style."
D: "Cool."
She goes on to say that she doesn't think thee_jacas' clothes are banging. haha. We chat about what thee_jacas should do next time he goes out. We come to the conclusion that the next time, both thee_jacas and I will wear polo shirts out so that we're "safe." Good laughs all around. thee_jacas then decides to leave to go find our other friends.
So now I'm in mini-isolation with HB Disgust and I start off with, "you seem like a laid-back person and not stuck up? Would you agree?"
HB Disgust: "yeah, i would."
D: "Good, or else I might have to stop talking to you." *smile* "So where are you from?"
HB Disgust: "Orange County."
D: "No way! I'm originally from there too!" *high five!* "Wait, I shouldn't talk to you anymore. We both can't be from OC." (backturn. wait. turn back around) "But I guess it's OK."
HB Disgust: "haha, where did you go to high school?"
D: "I went to "
HB Disgust: "No way! I went to ."
D: "haha. awesome."
HB Disgust's friend: "Wait, where did you go to high school?"
D: "I went to "
HB Disgust's friend: "where is that?"
D: "It's in Anaheim."
HB Disgust's friend: "Oh ok."
D: "So do you live up here now or do you still live in OC?"
HB Disgust: "Yeah, I still live in OC."
D: "OMG, so you came all the way up here? You're crazy!"
HB Disgust: ""
D: "Alright, let's play a game..."
HB Disgust: "OK..."
Strawberry fields. When I get to telling her about the strawberries, she goes, "OMG, now you're hitting on me!"
D: "what? I can't believe you. that's it. I can't talk to you anymore." (backturn)
HB Disgust grabs me and turns me back around. "No..."
D: "OK, so are you going to behave?"
HB Disgust: "yes..."
Go on to tell her the rest of the analysis.
Her friends want to leave and I hate closing chicks who live in OC because it's so damn far, so I say exactly that, "well, I would ask for your number, but you live so far away. it's too bad, but come here." I grab her and hug her. she gives me a real tight squeeze back. Tell her "it was nice meeting you" and let her go.

Go and find thee_jacas and debrief him on what happened. Good times.

Throughout the night, I was just social and talked to a bunch of people. I even got invited to some guy's after hours party in the Hollywood Hills, but didn't stick around to get the contact info.

Helped wing for thee_jacas and 4FivE6.

Went to the smoking area and was talking to people there. Then this girl grabs my ass. I open her with, "Did you just grab my ass?!"
HB Ass Grabber: "Yeah, it was just sticking in my face, so I grabbed it."
D: "haha, wow, you're forward aren't you? I think you should do it again. It felt good."
HB Ass Grabber: "haha, ok." and she grabs my ass again giving it a nice squeeze.
D: "Awesome. that was a good one. what's your name?"
HB Ass Grabber: "I'm "
D: "I'm D. nice to meet you."
Don't really remember what happened after that...but I did ask her if she wanted to go to the main area. She said she was either too drunk or tired, but maybe later. I told her to find me out there when she does.

Walk around some more. Chat with people. Then Kat from Miami Ink (soon to be Hollywood or Los Angeles Ink walks in). 4FivE6 says, "I think that's Kat from Miami Ink!"
D: "really? where?"
4FivE6: "There, that one."
D: "Oh shit, I thikn you're right."
I walk over to her and open her with, "hey, are you Kat from Miami Ink?"
HAHAHA. Worst...line...EVER.
I introduce myself and that was about it.

She's a lot taller in person than she seemed on the show, but she is still pretty hot.

I think those were the main points of the night. Good times.

Money owed ch0n60: $100.

As a side note, I need to stop smoking...

Challenge: Day 26 FR

Hopefully, none of you were going crazy waiting for me to update with posts, but these next 2 days should be pretty good and at least entertaining (I didn't have to work! haha)

The day started out kind of shitty considering I had to wake up mind-fucking early for my firm's quarterly meeting. The meeting was at 8AM and lasted until 11AM. 3 hours of sitting and listening to people talk. Not exactly my ideal morning. I'm not normally a coffee drinker, but I knew that if I didn't drink any coffee, I would embarrassingly fall asleep in the middle of the meeting. I even went so far as to dilute the coffee with half a cup of hot water since I know that straight coffee would fuck me up. Well, even a half cup of coffee diluted with half a cup of hot water still made me all jittery, but at least I got through the first part of the meeting. I had to have another diluted half cup of coffee for the second part of the meeting. My mind/body was all fucked up.

The stress from work + early morning coffee left me in a bad state to begin with, but then this was also the day that HB Tall (from the LR) was leaving to go back home to Chicago (and when would I see her again? not sure). She's a cool and fun chick and I liked hanging out with her, so I was a little sad to know she was leaving (and the fact I wouldn't be able to bone her again haha). At this point, I was in a totally bad state and wasn't even sure if I would go out at night even if I were to get out of work at a reasonable time.

Fast forward to the end of the work day and I'm exhausted. I had come down off the caffeine and my mind was exhausted. Plus, I was going to do some moving after work, so I knew I would be even more exhausted if I were going to go out. Just tons of negativity on my part.

However, after moving and eating, I felt i needed to get out and I wanted to go out and have some fun after a horrible week at work, so I decided to meet up with ch0n60, Ulysses, iC, and thee_jacas. Arrived at the bar and the crowd seemed pretty good. I was actually feeling really good and in a great state. I immediately started smiling and chatting everyone up. It was great to be out again.

So as I'm standing there talking to my friend who I also brought along, I see this really cute blonde HB 8 (let's call her HB Ring - I think she's engaged). She's looking over my way and giving me AI. Then this older, 45-50 year old dude starts to talk to her. They're talking and she keeps looking at me giving me more obvious AI, so I'm like fuck it, I'm gonna blow this old man out of the water!

Approach 1

D: "Hey guys, how do you know each other?"
Old dude: "Oh we just met. Is this your friend?"
HB: "No, I don't think I've met you yet. I'm HB. What's your name?" (IOI)
D: "I'm D. What's your name?"
Old dude: "I'm old dude."
D (partially turning HB away from old dude): "Hey, are you here with the birthday girl?"
HB: "Yeah!
D: "Awesome!" *high five*
HB: "How do you know her?"
D: "Well, actually, I don't, but my friend does, so he told me to come out here." (turns back to allow old dude back into the set) "So are you from around here?"
HB: "He's from Chicago."
D: "Oh yeah? What brought you out here from Chicago?"
Old dude: "blah blah blah. I'm a writer. I have 2 shows that will be playing. You guys should come out."
HB: "Yeah, maybe."
The whole time he was talking to me, HB was looking at me and smiling and giving me the "Thanks for saving me" eyes/look. So I would just smile at her in my flirtatious way. Also, I was kinoing her elbow, her shoulder all the time.

Unfortunately, I think HB is engaged (she had a ring on her finger), so she gets a call and has to step away from the set.

I bid adieu to the old dude, I back turn him to start talking to my group and I hear him go back and talk to his friends.

Old dude's friend: "how'd it go?"
Old dude: "Man, I just got cockblocked!"
Old dude's friend: "By who?"
Old dude: "That guy right there."

HAHAHAHA. I love it. Very Happy

Go out and smoke with another friend and start chatting up people in the smoking area.

Go back inside and my friend wants to get a drink, so I go to the bar with him.

There's a girl on her knees on the bar stool dancing around while her taller friend is standing next to her and dancing.

Approach 2

D (to taller girl): "OMG, how can you hang out with this chick? Is she always like this?"
HB Taller (not to be confused with HB Tall who left Sad ): "haha. We're just having fun."
D: "I can see that. That's good, you guys seem like the laid back type and not stuck up. Would you agree?"
HB Taller: "Yeah, we're totally not stuck up."
D: "Awesome!" *high five*
At this point, thee_jacas comes in and starts talking as well and we have a good thing going. Don't exactly remember what happened.

I go talk to my friend who is getting drinks and I kind of lose the set. thee_jacas is still talking to them. So after I get my drink, I re-engage. Lots of teasing going on. I call HB Taller a brat. don't remember what else, but the girls say they are going to the dancefloor and it was nice to meet us.

The rest of our time at this bar was uneventful and there were no other good targets. The group decides to go to Arsenal and try there. So we head out. On the way out, I re-engage HB Ring exchange pleasantries, but it doesn't really go anywhere and I bid her adieu.

Get over to Arsenal and it's actually kind of suckage. Not many targets.

Get a couple of drinks and just mingle with the guys.

Decide to leave and go to Busby's with my friend who I brought out since his roommate and other friends were supposed to be there.

Go to the back bar to close out my tab. Then this HB 8 Asian is standing behind me. She wants to order a drink. I forgot exactly what she said, but it went something like,

HB: "Yeah, close out your tab so that I can get to the bar to order a drink!" (She said it in a fun, playful, joking tone)
D: "Omg. You're such a brat! So you want to get in here? Alright..." (I just sit there and NOT sign my tab. Just to make her wait. She laughs).
HB: "OMG. haha. Hurry."
I just sit there. Finally sign it. Pretend like I'm leaving then sit in the bar stool and block the entrance so she can't get to the bar. She's laughing.
D: "I'm a little tired. I think I'm going to rest here for a bit." *smile*
HB: "haha. Noooooo."
D: "Fine, I was going to leave anyway." Stand up and let her get to the bar. (In hindsight, I should have stayed seated and chatted her up, but I was thinking about leaving since it was getting close to 1AM and we would need to get to Busby's soon to make it worthwhile.)
Make small talk. Get her name.
D: "So where are you from?"
HB: "Northridge."
D: "Wow, that's so far! (I'm not a big fan of closing girls who live more than 10 miles away from where I live anyway, so no big deal in not trying to make the interaction last longer) What brings you out here?"
HB: "oh, I came here with my friends."
D: "Oh ok. Well, it was nice meeting you. Have a good night."

Leave to go to Busby's.

Not much happened here. Just walk around, grab a couple drinks.

Go to the back bar to close out my tab. Chat up the really drunk dude who was at the bar.

Talk to the bartender. She puts her leg up on the well (the area where the cheap alcohols are kept handy).

D: "Wow, I like that. That's hot (referring to her leg up on the bar)."
HB: "Thanks. I know." *smile*

Chat about how she became a bartender, how she used to accept shots from customers, but no longer.

Doesn't really go anywhere.

iC and thee_jacas show up. Bar closes. We go outside. Smoke. Talk to some chick with a star tattoo on her chest above her heart. have her pull up my shirt to show her my tattoo. Chat about tattoos, but she says she needs to go find her friends to go home.

That was pretty much it for the night.

Day started off shitty and was in a bad state almost all day, but was able to turn it around.

Lesson: Even though you might feel like shit during the day or even at the beginning of the night, get yourself out there and you never know what might happen. Like Mystery (I think) once said, sarging cures everything.

Money owed ch0n60: $100.

Challenge: Day 25 FR

Worked till really late. Again. Blah blah. Same crap.

Money owed ch0n60: $100.

I'll make up some of these days after the challenge is over...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Challenge: Day 24 FR

Wow, Day 24 already...(today is Day 25).

So I had a firm event almost the whole day. Bunch of games and other activities that were for "firm building." Was pretty tired at the end of it all since there was physical activity involved in most of them (and I'm sporting a huge bruise and lump on my knee from running into another coworker), but my last 3 days included a failure and 2 days stuck at work. I was determined to go out and get my 2 approaches in no matter what.

After the firm event, I go home to shower, then need to get something to eat. I decide to go to Rubio's on Wilshire and after I park, I'm walking to Rubio's and I see this cute blond standing by herself. She looks like she's waiting for someone. I walk past her. Decide to approach. Stop. Turn around. Walk toward her.

Approach 1

D: "Excuse me, I know this is random, but I saw you over here and had to say you're cute. I'm D."
HB: "Thanks! I'm HB."
D: "So what are you doing standing here by yourself? It looks like you're waiting for someone."
HB: "Yeah, I just got off work. I'm waiting for my roommate to pick me up."
D: "Oh, where do you work?"
HB: "Jamba Juice."
D: "Jamba Juice. Awesome. I love the Orange Dream Machine. Hey, I was just about to grab something over at Rubio's. You should join me while you wait for your roommate, so you don't have to stand out here by yourself."
HB: "It's ok. I should wait out here."
D: "OK then. It was nice meeting you."
HB: "You too."

And I walk over to Rubio's to get my food.

I didn't give her a reason to come with me, so I was pretty sure it wasn't going to work, but I wanted to try it anyway since I really had nothing to lose since she was going to leave soon and I was going to get food.

Get food, go back to my apt to eat.

Go to the the Parlor, but it's dead.

Go to Busby's. It's also dead. I'm afraid I'm not going to get my second approach in.

Play pool with my friends, then decide to go get more beer.

I see this 2 set sitting at a table with a chilled bottle of champagne. I figure they'd be easy to open.

Get the beers.

Approach 2

D: "Congratulations on whatever you guys are celebrating!"
HBs: "Thanks!"
D: "I'm D."
HBs: "I'm HB." "I'm HB."
D: "So what exactly are you guys celebrating?"
HB: "Life. Having an excellent life."
D: "I'll toast to that! Cheers! Well, it was nice meeting you. Enjoy your night."
HB: "Thanks, you too."

Go back and play pool.

I've noticed there is less hitch in my approaching now than when I started this challenge. My hiatus really fucked with my approach, but now it's back to where it was prior to my hiatus, so this challenge has been a great success.

Money owed ch0n60: $100.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Challenge: Day 23 FR

It's 12:09AM.

Still at work.

0 approaches today.

Working late exemption.

Money owed ch0n60: $100.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Direct Approach and Open Brought to You by Badboy

Just found this through Badboy's blog.

If anyone actually reads my blog, you might find this interesting:

  • Direct Approach and Body Language
  • Monday, August 06, 2007

    Challenge: Day 22 FR

    Still at work. Not going to be able to go out any time soon.

    Claiming really late night at work exemption. Again.

    From lay to HB 9.99999 to failure to late night of work. What highs and lows this challenge has seen. Hah.

    Until tomorrow... =\

    Money owed ch0n60: $100.

    Challenge: Day 21 FR

    After so many positives from this weekend, I was due for a letdown. Hopefully, in the 2 steps forward and 1 step back that this is the 1 step back and I'll take more steps forward this week.

    Anyway, after going out last night, I woke up after only a few hours of sleep because I had some work I needed to get done before Holiday and my cousin woke up.

    Didn't finish till like 1PM.

    Went to grab lunch.

    Headed out to Melrose to get some shopping done. I was going to approach on Melrose, but every girl I saw that was a viable target (in that it was a girl I thought was attractive) was either with a dude or with her sister and parents. Not exactly the best. I still don't know how to do the "your daughter is interesting" opener.

    Get back to the apartment around 6PM and I almost pass out on the couch while my cousin packs up his stuff. Drive my cousin to the airport and get back to my apt around 7:45. One of my friends wants to go see Bourne, so I agree to, but then Ulysses texts me to meet up with him for some coffee. I'm thinking I could maybe get my sets in there, so I cancel on my friend and try to find dinner.

    After dinner, I do some more work and then head out to meet up with Ulysses, another friend of ours, Setarcos, and 4five6.

    I get lost on the way. I'm tired. My state is very low...

    Get to the coffee place and I sit down. I'm beat. I'm drinking green tea hoping to give myself a boost. It helps a little. I'm just not feeling it tonight. Some HBs are walking past us since we're sitting outside, but I just can't get myself to do any approaches. This sucks.

    Anyway, 0 approaches for the day. I owe ch0n60 more money. Sucks.

    Money owed ch0n60: $100.

    Sunday, August 05, 2007

    Challenge: Day 20 FR

    Woke up with HB Tall in my bed. The beginning of the day was good and this left me in a good state all day long.

    Grabbed lunch, then went to the beach. Then dropped her off at her place around 5:30PM.

    My bud Holiday decided to roll up to LA and join in on the fun for the night.

    This would be a great night. I was in a great state the whole night (from the lay) and I had a blast hanging with Ulysses, iC, 4FiveSex, Holiday, ch0n60, and my cousin for the night.

    We all roll out to Bar Lubitsch in Hollywood. The place is great, tons of hot chicks.

    We're waiting for ch0n60 to get in so I hang out with Holiday and Ulysses outside. Ulysses is talking to this really cute chick so I just chill with them for a bit.

    A chick comes in holding what looks like a birthday cake.

    Approach 1

    D: "Is that a birthday cake?"
    HB: "Yes, it is!"
    D: "Is it your birthday?"
    HB: "No it's hers."
    D: "Happy birthday!"
    HB's friend: "Thanks!"
    D: "Have a great birthday."

    And they go inside.

    We're still waiting for ch0n60 and it starts to get later, so I'm starting to feel antsy to get my second approach in.

    I wander onto the dance floor and find a chick.

    Approach 2

    D: "Hey, I really like your top. It's really fashionable."
    HB: "thanks." Turns away.

    Oh well, that didn't go well. haha.

    I walk around some more.

    Find Holiday and try to get back onto the dance floor, but we're blocked by a bunch of people.

    Approach 3

    D: "Man, traffic jam."
    HB: "haha, yeah. It's just like the traffic in LA."
    D: "Yeah, we're not going to get through."

    Approach 4

    Push some more and finally get through. Then I see her... A freaking HB 9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. She has THE best set of tits. She's skinny, decent height and the perfect size. Every guy is checking her out.

    Some guy is trying to dance with her, but she's not paying any attention to him and he fades away.

    I walk up, confident, calm, collected. I start to dance with her.
    D: "I like your energy. You seem so laid back and not stuck up. Would you say that you're a laid back type of person?" (Qualify her right off the bat - I'm really falling in love with this line)
    HB: "Yeah, I'm totally laid back. I'm not stuck up at all." (Compliance)
    D: "Great, I love that."
    I put my hand out, she grabs it, and we start dancing. More like grinding. She's grinding her ass into my crotch. I can see all the guys and girls around looking at us like, "wtf?!" I don't care about them. I keep dancing with her.

    The only problem is that she's really drunk. I try to talk to her, but she seems to only be interested in dancing. No matter. I try to escalate the kino.

    I get resistance. She pushes my hands away from her waist, but we continue to dance with her grinding her ass (she has a nice ass also) into my crotch, but then her friend comes in and pulls her away. Cockblock. Fuck.

    She goes and talks to some of her guy friends.

    I move away and find Holiday. We chat for a bit.

    She kind of gets into an argument with her guy friend, most likely an orbiter. She walks away in disgust, comes and grabs me and starts dancing with me again.

    D: "Why aren't you dancing with your boyfriend?"
    HB 9.99999999: "He's not my boyfriend."

    Sweet. We dance and I introduce Holiday. We all dance for a bit before Holiday wanders off.

    I continue to dance with her. She continues to grind her ass into my crotch. I try to grab her around the waist, to escalate kino, but she keeps pushing my hands away. I don't get this girl. I'm starting to think she's drunk and just wants to dance. I start to kiss her neck. I try to go for the "from-behind" makeout. It doesn't work. She's waaay too drunk.

    Her friend comes in again and cockblocks. Fuck. I introduce myself to the guy she's with. He just met them that night as well. OK... I introduce myself to her friend, the cockblock. She's really cold. HB 9.9999999 is arguing with her friend. She wants to keep dancing with me, but her friend keeps trying to tell her not to. i probably should have moved her around beforehand. I should have switched to another target. The social proof I got from dancing with her would have been high and made it easy to game other girls. I fucked up. Bad. Evil or Very Mad

    Now her friend gets her to sit down. Her orbiter friends sit down next to her. I'm out it seems. I try to get my way back in there, but the FUCKING bus boy tells me to walk around. he's fucking busy staring at her. Fucking jackoff. He could never get a girl like her. Not with his lame ass attempt to just stare at her and tell me to walk around. After the orbiters sit down next to HB 9.9999999, he can't bring himself to say anything to her and he walks off. Serves you right fucker.

    I'm like fuck it. She's too drunk to remember who I am. i didn't build any comfort or rapport. I'm not going to be able to get a solid close. I find everyone else. Ulysses and 4FiveSex are going to take off. Holiday and my cousin are tired and I think it's time to take off.

    I close out my tab and flirt with the waittress some. She's cute and attractive in a weird kind of way.

    D: "You know, I really like your spunk and attitude. It's really attractive and makes for a great experience."
    HB Waittress: "Thanks! When I have such a great customer as you, it makes it easy to be. You should definitely come out again. I'm Natalie."
    D: "I'm D"

    I think she was attracted, but fuck man, I didn't close her. I'm a fucking loser....

    HB Waittress: "Well, be sure to come out again. I will see you around."
    D: "I will." *smiles*

    (Forgot to mention that I would always kino her and make our interactions fun whenever she would serve us)

    I round up the guys and tell ch0n60 I'm taking off. I make my way over to HB 9.99999, who's now dancing with her male friend. I touch her on her shoulder so she looks at me. "It was nice meeting you." *hug* "have fun and take care."
    HB: "thanks. you too."

    Walk out...sexually frustrated. She was SO fucking hot... Evil or Very Mad Er...SO interesting.

    Man, the lay totally upped my game. It was a great night for me. i hope I can keep that up for the rest of the challenge.

    I'm just frustrated I couldn't get a solid close out of it.

    However, I am pushing myself a lot and taking risks that I didn't before. The sexual aspect of my game is starting to grow and i'm liking the results. It's amazing what a challenge like this can do to totally up your game. I'm amazed, but I still have a lot of work to do to get to where I want to be.

    Money owed ch0n60: $50.

    Saturday, August 04, 2007

    Challenge: Day 19 LR

    My cousin from Arizona was flying in so I knew this would be a good weekend.

    However, I had to work late and actually worked till 9:30PM. Took off and went straight to the airport to pick up my cousin. Ran into a ton of traffic and ended up being really late picking him up. A female friend of mine, a blonde HB that's like 5'9" (about 2 inches taller than me), had asked me to pick up her from friend who lives around the airport because she was having a party at her place. So I drive over to her friend's place, but he's already trashed and is going to stay home.

    So my cousin and I wander back up to Brentwood, grab some food, and then meet up with another friend of ours to head out. The original plan was to go to 217 in Santa Monica, but the place got shut down because its liquor license got revoked.

    So we ended up going to Hollys. Again. Place was pretty packed and bumping. Music was loud. I was in kind of a bad frame of mind due to working late and getting stuck in traffic. Now, I was in a place where I could hardly move or hear myself. Unfortunately, the negative thoughts were spiraling, but I was trying to maintain my state. Things get better and I decide to open.

    Approach 1

    D: "Hey I just saw you over here, and I had to just say I really like your style. Are you in fashion or just really creative?" *smile*
    HB: "What? I can't hear you."
    D: "... (repeats)"
    HB; "I still can't hear you."

    Soo...I give up.

    My friend, cousin and I decide to leave and go to Main Street, but it's already like 1AM. haha.

    We get there and get a drink and the bars are already closing so we call it a night and decide to go get food from Benitos.

    My friend is calling girls trying to get them to come over, but is unsuccessful.

    I text my blonde HB Tall friend and sees how the party is going. She doesn't respond right away.

    We get back to my apartment and my friend and cousin eat. I wasn't hungry.

    HB Tall calls me up and asks me to go pick her up. The party is boring. I banter back and forth with her saying she's a brat for asking me to pick her up and that she can't leave her own party.

    I throw out some sexual innuendos and she throws some back and me. I'm thinking it might be on.

    So after more bantering, I agree to go pick her up.

    My friend leaves and my cousin stays at the apartment while I go pick her up.

    Pick her up, and we start playing games, and just chatting. We're all originally sitting on different couches. Then I move over to her couch. Kino. She's grabbing my arm and kinoing right back. She puts her legs over my legs and I start giving her legs a massage.

    My cousin is passing out on the couch.

    I start to massage closer and closer to her pussy. She doesn't resist. We're talking the whole time this is going on.

    I start to massage her pussy over her pants and we're still talking. She's enjoy it. Biting her lip while we talk.

    We start making out. All while my cousin is passed out on the couch.

    I tell her let's go to my room.

    Get to my room and it's a done deal. Although, I can't cum 'cuz I'm too drunk, but we have some fun and then pass out. Good times.

    Money owed ch0n60: $50.

    Friday, August 03, 2007

    Challenge: Day 18 FR

    Worked past 8 (1 approach exemption - I was just lazy last night and maybe a little off since I got flaked on) and the first couple places I went to were pretty dead.

    Grabbed dinner at Whole Foods and walked around looking for targets, but there were none.

    Ate at my apartment, took a power nap, and then prepared to go out to Hollys.

    HB Dancer flaked. Said she was going to stay in tonight. Oh well. FUCK THAT SHIT. haha. "Now, are you really saying to fuck shit?" (Inside joke for those of us who have heard that audio clip)

    Get to Hollys and there are TONS of dudes. There's like 2 sets of girls. It's ridiculous. I went there with one of my friends (soon to be roommate) and met ch0n60 there.

    My friend and I go to the bar to get a drink and some blonde HB bumps into him. She apologizes, then asks him for gum. He doesn't have any so he asks me if I do. I do, so I give her some. (This doesn't count as an approach because she ran into my friend.) Rolling Eyes So... my friend moves out of the way and she comes over and thanks me. We talk for a while, but the music is SOOO FUCKING LOUD that I can't even hear myself. So I give up on trying to talk and she goes back to talking to her friend.

    After looking around a bit, the 3 of us decide to bounce to Bodega. It's even deader there. One table full of blondes, but they're older and not really all that attractive to me.

    Bounce to MaiKai. Better crowd, but still not really anyone that catches my eye that's worth approaching. Bounce. Walk by Voda. It's basically empty.

    Wow, this night sucks.

    Drop off ch0n60 who decides to go home.

    My friend and I decide to meet up some other friends at the Parlour.

    Shit, I need to get my approach in...

    I think my state is a little off. I've been drinking too much. haha. I do better when I'm sober.

    I try to find an easy set to open. Dammit, all these girls here are so fucking tall. I still have the limiting belief of taller girls not being interested in me. I need to get over that.

    Finally, I see a girl with a balloon on it that says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Easy easy set that I can use to make up for the failure the night before at Busbys.

    Approach 1

    I walk up. Hand on her shoulder, slight turn so she faces me. "Hey, I just wanted to say happy birthday!"
    Bday Girl: "Oh thanks!"
    Bday girl's friend: "You're awesome!"
    D: "haha. thanks!" high-fives all around "So how old are you now?"
    Bday Girl: "22"
    D: "Wow, you're so young and innocent. I can't tlak to you anymore."
    Bday Girl: "yeah, i am." then she kinda bats her eyes at me.

    I don't know where this is going, and I don't really care since I'm actually trying to order a drink and she's on the larger side. Not really my type. So I get my drink and wish her a happy birthday and I'm off to chill with my friends.

    That about does it for Day...what day is this? Day 18. Yikes...

    Money owed ch0n60: $50.

    Thursday, August 02, 2007

    Challenge: Day 17 FR

    This was probably my best day yet. And it was a Wednesday! Fuck yeah, I'm totally looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of the weekend.

    ch0n60 and I head out to Busbys in Santa Monica. I didn't do any approaches during the day 'cuz I was fucking tired. Too many late nights out and not enough sleep.

    I hadn't eaten dinner yet, so ch0n60 and I grab a table and chill. I order some food: chicken tenders. It's amazing - Busbys is packed and it's a Wednesday night, but it's amazing in a good way. There are a bunch of sets to open. As we sit at the table, we notice these 2 really attractive blondes sitting at the bar. They continue to be approached by random guys.

    I finish up my chicken tenders (with a little of ch0n60's help - I wanted to stop eating so I could talk to girls!). A total loser approaches the girls (OK, he's not a total loser since he did approach, but he's not holding their attention at all), so I tell ch0n60 that as soon as he leaves, I'm going to approach (Is this alpha? It doesn't matter. My opener was based on him hitting on the girls and him subsequently leaving).

    Approach 1

    So the guy leaves and I walk up, pretending to get another drink at the bar.

    D: "So how did he do?"
    HB Dancer: "He did terrible."
    D: "Oh yeah? What did he come up and talk to you guys about?"
    HB Dancer: "He wanted to know what was better, a guy who knows how to use his hands or a guys who knows how to use his tongue."
    D: "And how did you respond?"
    HB Dancer: "I couldn't stop laughing."
    D: "haha. It's a good thing I asked you beforehand. I was going to come up and ask you the same question."
    HB Dancer: "haha."
    D: "you know, I have to complement you on your energy. I saw you dancing earlier. You seem like the laid back type. You're not stuck up. Would you agree that you're more of a laid back person?" (Credit Vince)
    HB Dancer: "Of course. You have to be laid back in LA. (blah blah - I don't really remember what she said from here or what I said - mostly fluff talk)" Kino the whole time (arm, small of back).

    HB Dancer: "What's your name?" (IOI)
    D: "I'm D. What's yours?"
    HB Dancer: "I'm HB Dancer."
    D: "Nice to meet you."
    HB Dancer: "Is that your friend over there?"
    D: "Yeah, that's ch0n60." (waves to ch0n60 to come join us) "This is my friend ch0n60."
    HB Dancer: "Hi, I'm HB Dancer (it's a good thing she said her name again because I forgot. haha. good thing for wings!). This is my friend HB Dress"

    Introductions all around.

    Fluff talk.

    Girls start talking to each other and we are kind of lose them since we were talking amongst ourselves too.

    ch0n60: "It was nice meeting you guys, we're going to go play some pool."
    HB Dancer: "Cool, have fun guys."
    D: "You too."
    HB Dancer: "Maybe I'll have to come over and kick your butt at pool." IOI?
    D: "Maybe you will. Come over and try later."
    HB Dancer: "OK, I will." *smile* IOI.

    Pretty much a takeaway. I felt I had built up enough attraction to number close her.

    ch0n60 and I go play some foozeball and some fake pool.

    Walk back around the bar and see HB Dancer again. Some other creepy guys are talking to her and and HB Dress.

    The guy moves away from HB Dancer and she gives me *that* look that girls give each other when they don't want to talk to the creepy guy. I motion her to come over to me (trying to test for Compliance - she fails). She motions me to go over to her, so I show Attainability and walk over to her. Kino.

    More fluff talk. Try to get her to dance with me, but she says the song sucks (more failed Compliance). dammit, where am I going wrong?

    ch0n60 opens the set of girls next to us. Introductions all around. I befriend the guy in the set (1 guy, 3 girls). Disarm him. He ends up starting to talk to HB Dancer. No matter, I know his game pales in comparison to mine. I don't really care if he talks to her.

    Problem: Douchebag (guy from the set ch0n60 opened) starts talking to ch0n60 and I exclusively. The 3 girls he was with wandered off somewhere. Now, HB Dancer and HB Dress are talking to some other guys. Friends of theirs? Maybe. Pretty good looking dudes? Yeah. Guys with game? Not so much. I'm not too worried.

    I decide I better go find another set to open just in case I can't close HB Dancer.

    Approach 2

    Earlier, while I was conversing with the douchebag, the DJ had said it was someone's birthday. Easy enough for me. Find a group of girls, ask them if it's someone's birthday, and the approach is accomplished.

    I walk up to the group of girls who I think is having the birthday, and ask,

    D: "Hey, is it someone's birthday over here?"
    HBs: "Yes! It's her birthday!" (point to girl making out with her bf) "Well, yeah, the girl who's making out. haha"
    D: "haha"
    HB Bday: "What's going on?"
    D: "Oh, I just wanted to come over and wish you happy birthday. I heard the DJ say it was someone's birthday."
    HB Bday: "Oh! Thank you! That's so sweet!"
    D: "no problem, enjoy your birthday!"

    And...ch0n60 and I walk off. In hindsight, I totally could have used that to integrate into the set. Asked her how old she is turning, etc. The other girls thought it was so sweet too. And the guys in the set I could have befriended. Fuck. Another wasted opportunity.

    I have noticed that i did not have any hesitation whatsoever. I went up, and did the approach. This challenge is paying off. I need to do that EVERY TIME i go out, whether or not I'm doing a challenge or not. I hope this challenge leads me to do that.

    However, at the same time, I need to approach and stick. I shouldn't just be satisfied with approaching just to get the approach in. I totally could have made that set last a lot longer and there were some cute girls in that set.

    So ch0n60 and I go play another round of foozeball then go back over to the bar. We find our douchebag friend and ch0n60's going to take off since it's late. I want to stay back, have another beer, and talk to more people (also, find out what the hell happened to the bouncer/bartender we used to know - he quit, went to the other Busbys and is now in Europe, supposedly). I stay back and chat with douchebag and one of his friends.

    I can see HB Dancer eyeing me. She looks over and smiles. I smile back. I finish my beer and walk over to her. Kino. Hand on small of her back. Tell her I'm taking off and it was nice meeting her and HB Dress.

    I tell her, "hey, if you guys are interested in dancing, a couple of friends and I are going to Hollys tomorrow. You guys should join us."

    HB Dancer: "hollys? Hollys west?"
    D: "Yeah."
    HB Dancer: "Oh cool. Let me give you my phone number."
    (Fuck, I love when girls WANT to give you their phone number)
    D: "Sure." Pulls out phone and gets her number. "OK, I'm calling you with my number. I'll call you tomorrow then."
    HB Dancer: "I look forward to it."

    Walk out. Woot. good shit.

    Got 2 approaches in and number closed the 1 target I wanted for the whole night. Good stuff.

    I texted her after I got back to my apartment and she texted back saying she's looking forward to my phone call tomorrow. Awesome, I know the number's solid. We'll see if she flakes or not. I didn't use anything from Vince for preventing flakes...oh well.

    Money owed ch0n60: $50.

    Wednesday, August 01, 2007

    Challenge: Day 16 FR

    Not much happened on Day 16 since I had work and then the meeting.

    There is a funny story though.

    After the lounge meeting, I decided to go grab some food at Benitos (24 hour hole in the wall Mexican food place on Santa Monica).

    I'm thinking to myself that I didn't open any sets today and that sucks, but I thought the meeting was great, so that was consolation.

    I get to Benitos, park on the street and walk over. I see a set of 3 girls seated and eating. They don't appear to be too attractive. Then I see another girl, appears to have a nice body, but is facing away from me, so I can't see her face.

    I figure, what the hell, I'll open her.

    I walk inside Benitos about to open her, then I see her face and realize...oh shit, that's my roommate's FB. LOL.

    So I just say hi to her. Turns out she was there picking up food for her and my roommate and was heading back to my apartment.

    ch0n60 said that technically counts as an approach since I did open her. haha.

    However, I have noticed a change in my thought process. Whether it was due to the increase in state I got from the meeting or if this challenge has really lowered my hesitation to talk to people, I'm not sure, but prior to the challenge, I probably would have made up some excuse not to approach my roommate's FB. haha. Hopefully, it's mostly the challenge. If so, I'd say the challenge has been a positive influence on working me out of my 2-3 month long rut that I was in.

    Money owed ch0n60: $50.