Monday, August 06, 2007

Challenge: Day 21 FR

After so many positives from this weekend, I was due for a letdown. Hopefully, in the 2 steps forward and 1 step back that this is the 1 step back and I'll take more steps forward this week.

Anyway, after going out last night, I woke up after only a few hours of sleep because I had some work I needed to get done before Holiday and my cousin woke up.

Didn't finish till like 1PM.

Went to grab lunch.

Headed out to Melrose to get some shopping done. I was going to approach on Melrose, but every girl I saw that was a viable target (in that it was a girl I thought was attractive) was either with a dude or with her sister and parents. Not exactly the best. I still don't know how to do the "your daughter is interesting" opener.

Get back to the apartment around 6PM and I almost pass out on the couch while my cousin packs up his stuff. Drive my cousin to the airport and get back to my apt around 7:45. One of my friends wants to go see Bourne, so I agree to, but then Ulysses texts me to meet up with him for some coffee. I'm thinking I could maybe get my sets in there, so I cancel on my friend and try to find dinner.

After dinner, I do some more work and then head out to meet up with Ulysses, another friend of ours, Setarcos, and 4five6.

I get lost on the way. I'm tired. My state is very low...

Get to the coffee place and I sit down. I'm beat. I'm drinking green tea hoping to give myself a boost. It helps a little. I'm just not feeling it tonight. Some HBs are walking past us since we're sitting outside, but I just can't get myself to do any approaches. This sucks.

Anyway, 0 approaches for the day. I owe ch0n60 more money. Sucks.

Money owed ch0n60: $100.


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