Monday, July 30, 2007

Challenge: Day 14 FR

Started the day off in the mountains camping. Drove back to West LA. Unpacked and cleaned stuff. Fell asleep.

Claiming OC (not in LA) exemption to do 1 approach.

Head out to 3rd Street to finally watch Transformers.

Approach 1

After driving around looking for free street parking, I realize the movie will last longer than the street parking, so I finally decide to park in a structure and just pay the $3 instead of getting a possible ticket for $40.

Park in the structure and see these 2 really cute Asian HBs who just finished shopping. I was running late so...

D: "Excuse me, do you guys have the time?"
HBs: "It's 9:46."
D: "Sweet. Thanks!"

And I run off to the theater.

This weekend was disappointing in terms of Approaches, but I was able to do other things that are a part of my "life" and sometimes, that's more important than always talking to girls. ...Or maybe I'm just being an excuser. Who knows... haha. =D

Money owed ch0n60: $50.


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