Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Challenge: Day 15 FR

Wow, has it already been 15 days? This challenge has flown by yet I don't really feel like I've accomplished much. That sucks...

So I thought Day 15 was going to turn into another failure.

Went to work, went to the gym, then went out to a bar for ch0n60's birthday.

There weren't any viable sets at the bar and I hadn't had time to make an approach before going to the bar.

I resigned myself to the fact that I probably would be paying ch0n60 another $50.

So I decide to get up from the table and go play some video games while I still have some money. haha. (ok, so this sentence isn't really logical since I'd still have to pay ch0n60 $50 even if I used up my money, but at the time, that was my thinking.)

I'm playing this bar video game when these two girls walk past me. Stop. Then look at me.

Approach 1

D: "Hey guys, how's it going?"
HBs: "Good."

And they walk off...they were really drunk. haha.

So I'm like, crap. I guess that counts as 1. I only need to do one more...

The party moves toward the bar and I come to find out that one of the girls who had stopped when I was playing the video games also was celebrating her birthday that night with her friends (no wonder why she was so drunk). Somehow (I think I was in the bathroom when this happened), ch0n60 and HB Bday found out it was each other bday and so they were chatting. I go up and get introduced. She wants to dance, so I grab her hand and we kinda start dancing, but the music sucks so she stops dancing.

One of ch0n60's friends gives me a cigarette to smoke. The smokers go outside and I'm like fuck, do I stay here and try to talk to HB Bday (who's ridiculously drunk) or go outside to smoke? I shouldn't smoke especially since I quit, but oh well, I pound the rest of my beer and go outside to smoke.

I'm chatting with the people in our group who are smoking and I notice 2 cute girls also smoking outside. Good choice to go outside and smoke D. I'll get my 2nd approach in! (well, maybe a good choice - stay inside, maybe i'll get a longer, better interaction with HB Bday, but go outside and I get my 2nd approach in and not have to pay another $50)

Approach 2
D: "Hey, have you guys been to Q's karaoke? I think I've seen you before..."
HB Brunette: "Yeah, have we met? I think we've met before."
D: "I don't think so. I'm D"
HB Brunette: "I'm HB Brunette. Nice to meet you...again."
HB Blonde: "I'm HB Blonde."
D: "Nice to meet you guys. Do you guys live closer to this bar or closer to Q's?"
HB Brunette: "We actually live closer to Q's."
D: "Cool. Yeah, I think you guys were the ones that got booed a couple of weeks ago."
HB Brunette: "haha. yeah, we did get booed, but we recovered!"
D: "Yeah, the end turned out pretty good. (I probably shouldn't have affirmed it and bantered back). Will you guys be going this week?"
HB Brunette: "Yeah, we'll be there."
HB Blonde: "We need to stop doing this."
D: "Doing what?"
HB Blonde: "Drinking and partying. We've been out for 14 days straight now. We need to stop for a week."
D: "haha, I know how that goes."

The conversation slowly died as the girls started talking about some of their other friends...and I turned to talk to the people I went outside with.

Good times.

Still lots of room for improvement...

Money owed ch0n60: $50.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Challenge: Day 14 FR

Started the day off in the mountains camping. Drove back to West LA. Unpacked and cleaned stuff. Fell asleep.

Claiming OC (not in LA) exemption to do 1 approach.

Head out to 3rd Street to finally watch Transformers.

Approach 1

After driving around looking for free street parking, I realize the movie will last longer than the street parking, so I finally decide to park in a structure and just pay the $3 instead of getting a possible ticket for $40.

Park in the structure and see these 2 really cute Asian HBs who just finished shopping. I was running late so...

D: "Excuse me, do you guys have the time?"
HBs: "It's 9:46."
D: "Sweet. Thanks!"

And I run off to the theater.

This weekend was disappointing in terms of Approaches, but I was able to do other things that are a part of my "life" and sometimes, that's more important than always talking to girls. ...Or maybe I'm just being an excuser. Who knows... haha. =D

Money owed ch0n60: $50.

Challenge: Day 13 FR

Was busy all day, went to OC, back to LA, packed up, drove out to Riverside, tried to find a grocery store, approached many different people to get directions to a grocery store, drove out to Idyllwild to go camping.

Not really any time to make any proper approaches.

Claiming a "I was super busy so I'm exempt" exemption. haha. =)

Money owed ch0n60: $50.

Challenge: Day 12 FR

First failure.

Went golfing with some friends/coworkers after work.

Crashed in my bed afterward for 2 1/2 hours.

Woke up at 10:30PM still groggy.

Decided not go to go out.

0 approaches.


Money owed ch0n60: $50.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Using Openers With Confidence

Found this great post through Grow Your Game from www.theseductionbible.com. Enjoy.

I just got back from a morning meeting. It was my first time at this new business networking association that I joined. At the meeting they have what they call a sixty second commercial for each member. This means that all the members have to stand in front of the group and give a short infomercial for their business. Well, as much stood there and rehearsed my “opener” when it came time to deliver i stumbled a bit.

Opening girls for me now is easy, but I felt a little bit out of my element opening a bunch of 40 year old business men and women. I knew what i wanted to say but when it came time to speak i lost my train of thought and went off on a tangent. This used to happen to me a lot when I first began opening sets a few years back. By the time I would actually open the girls I built it up so much in my mind that I fucked it up. Delivery was okay but then the follow up blows it.

This happens to everyone. The great thing about the meeting today was that although I felt I stumbled a bit… no one probably noticed because they were all sitting there rehearsing what they were going to say in their own minds. The same goes for pickups. Remember no one is judging you. People, girls included, are much more interested in how they look in a situation.

Anyway, I got this email from Christian Hudson of Master the Vibe. He answers some common questions regarding openers. One of the intersting thing he discusses is how to smoothly follow up an opener.

I’ve been trying to push my comfort level 20% in terms of being
more sexual, and I’m slowly making progress. I feel a little
bit out of character doing so sometimes, but I’m pushing for it

Two quick questions that i’ve encountered in the field:

1. When using a compliment/direct interest opener, how do you
follow up the conversation and get it started? Most of the time
Whenever I do it it’s kind of like: Ex:

Me: Hey I saw you standing over here and I have to say I really
like your style, it’s really fun and crazy.

Her: Oh thanks. (smiles)

Me: (awkward pause) Ummmm…So where are you from?

Then things start to go slower, she looses interest and
eventually one of us bails. Any suggestions on handling this
sort of scenario. I really like more direct stuff and want to
get better.

Dan, after speaking with you and now reading this, I’m getting a
feel for a consistent vibe that I think you’re putting off,
especially doing direct:
1.) you’re not confident enough to pull off the strong direct
2.) you’re expecting her to pick up a lot of conversational
slack far too soon

But its cool, we can deal with both of these issues. We’re
going to split this up into two parts:
1.) Delivery Confidence
a.) nonverbals
b.) word choice

2.) Post-Delivery
a.) justifying the opener
b.) your energy
c.) the “non-transitionables”

The key here is as follows: Your intent and your nonverbals
must be as direct as your words.

I use direct stuff like this all the time, because it gets right
to the point. But it takes a strong man to pull it off. Look her
in the eye. Say it with a sexual intent. Show her you take her

So when you’re walking up to her, you make direct, intimate eye
contact (review the Vibe Mastery Newsletter “Getting the Look”).
The look and vibe you’re emanating is very direct - no BS, very
strong. But also warm. You’re very much *in control* of
yourself and the interaction. She knows that you’re not there
to mess around and that you see her as a woman, not a girl.

Based on the conversations that you and I have had (and what I
know about a lot of other guys I’ve worked with), direct is
tough because you feel like you’re giving up control to a
woman - taking a risk, putting it all on the line. With the
proper nonverbals and delivery, this couldn’t be further from
the truth. Direct gives you almost complete control, because
you’ve stated your interest, and if she accepts your interest as
legitimate, she’s essentially agreed to continue talking to you
on your terms.

So now let’s look at your word choice: “I really like your
style, it’s really crazy and fun.”

Not bad - you’re justifying your interest in something about
her. But it is still very noncomittal, and pretty vague.
You’re not giving yourself a lot of control with such
generalities. How about something else?

“I love your style. You’ve got a great look - you must be very

“I have to say - the way you’ve put your outfit together is so
creative. I love your sense of style.”

“Your style really stands out amongst everyone here, and I had
to get to know the person behind such a great outfit.”

Now let’s talk about the transition out of that opener, assuming
she accepts it and says something like “oh, thanks.” In your
example, you’re jumping right into “interview questions” about
where she’s from, maybe what she does, etc… The problem here
is that you’ve thrown away whatever credibility your opener gave
you to talk to her, because you’ve not followed up on the
attribute on which you’re complimenting her. So let’s run
through a sample here that presents a better alternative:

YOU: “Hi there, I saw you from across the room and I have to say
- the way you’ve put your outfit together is so creative. I love
your sense of style.”

HER: “Oh, thanks…”

YOU: “Are you in the fashion business, or did your eye just
develop naturally?”

HER: “I guess it just kinda developed on its own.”

YOU: “That’s awesome, you definitely stand out in here. What’s
your name?”

HER: “I’m Danielle”

YOU: “Hey Danielle, I’m Daniel. Really cool to meet you.”

All of a sudden things are much warmer. Your opener has been
justified by your interest in the follow-up questions and is
congruent. Now you can move along to other topics like you hear
us all do on Master the Vibe.

Ok Dan, having spoken with you, I can see where this part of
your example comes from:
“(awkward pause) Ummmm…So where are you from?”

You’re a high energy guy. But in your head, you’ve just dumped
a lot of control onto the girl, and now you’re backing off and
hoping that she’s going to take up the slack. But let’s reverse
the situation (and if this hasn’t happened to you yet, get a
better haircut and some cool outfits). A girl comes up to you
out of the blue and says she likes your style. How would you
respond? Would you just start chatting about something with
her? Or would you be a little surprised, and need a second to
compose yourself?

Very few girls hear a real, genuine complement delivered in a
way that makes them believe it. When they do, it takes them
aback. So be prepared to transition into something else right
away. There should be no pauses, no akward silences. You
shouldn’t be expecting her to pick up on the energy just yet.

Its kind of like you’ve just popped someone with a taser, and
you’ve got to carry that person along for a second while you
wait for them to regain consciousness (note: please DO NOT use
tasers on women you’re talking to. This is illegal).

Keep giving energy to the interaction. If she accepted your
complement, keep flowing with a positive energy until she catches
up to you.

Thus far we’ve been using your opener on her style. This is
something she has developed and cultivated, so it is easy to
compliment her on it. And you can transition into questions of
how it developed, or mini cold-reads, like “you must be
creative.” But what about when you’re complimenting her on her
looks or some trait that she was born with? These are rare -
even a nice smile can be followed upon with a question about
whether she had braces. But in general, anything about her
overall look, beauty or energy falls into the category of what I
call “non-transitionable” direct openers.

“Hi, I just had to come over and say hello. You have an
incredible look - like a soft beauty - its very unique.”

“Excuse me - the way you move through this room - you have this
energy that is so attractive.”

“I have to tell you - you’re one of the most beautiful women
I’ve ever shared airspace with.”

These are intense and you better say them with some confidence.
But where do you go afterwards? Well, you have a few options.

You can use the line popularized by Style - “But one thing I’ve
learned is that beauty is common. Its more important what’s on
the inside. Wouldn’t you agree?” I don’t remember exactly how
it goes, but its not great right after such a strong opener.
You’ve already put her on the spot, and now you’re qualifying
her. Not likely to make her feel exactly comfy and cozy with

You can go right into your transition. The only problem is that
it doesn’t allow for enough space for your complement to sink
- “Wanna dance? (at the club)
- “So are you mailing classified documents to china, or are
those homemade brownies for your kid brother?” (at the post
- “What brings you out tonight?” (at a bar)

But the best option here is to introduce yourself, then go into
your transition. It lets her warm up to you more, and for your
opener to sink in, before transitioning.

“Hey I gotta tell you - I wasn’t even planning on being out
tonight but I’m happy I came - you dance incredibly and it has
made my night to see you just now.”

“Wow, uhhh… thanks!”

“What’s your name?”


“Cool, I’m Christian. Are you with a promoter tonight, have a
table, here with friends…?”

That conversation happened verbatim at a club here in NYC called
Marquee, a few months ago. The girl was a model - dancing on a
couch - and things worked out well between her and I.

So Dan, I hope this answered your question and all the possible
permutations. Kind of a long answer but I didn’t want to leave
any stones unturned.

Let me know how things work out and if you want to hop on the
phone again. And as for you Tony, hope this was helpful
for you too.

All of July’s discs have shipped out. If you’re in Malaysia or
Singapore, it might be another week before they reach your

Also, look forward to receiving our August episode much sooner -
probably in the second week of the month - full of openers and
transitions to hook points.

Finally, Sebastian and I have settled on our plan for our
birthday celebration - can’t wait to share it with you.


Challenge: Day 11 FR

Am I actually going to make approaches on Day 11? Will I ever get out of work?!?

The answers to both of those questions was "YES! THANK GOD!!" haha.

So I was to meet my parents at the airport (LAX) before my mom left to Singapore for 3 weeks. I wanted to drop some things off so that my mom could take them back for my grandmother and other relatives over there.

Meet up my parents in the Bradley terminal, hand off the stuff, then walk my mom to the security line that goes to the gates.

My dad and I sit there and chat while we wait for her to disappear around the corner.

All of a sudden, the airport personal decide they need to close off the rest of the line and turn people to the other side of the terminal to go through security there (they told the part of the line that was a few people after where my mom and our family friend were in line).

Curious, I decide to ask the kinda cute airport lady what was going on (at the time, I didn't think of this as an actual approach, but what the hell...I'll give you a reason why I'm counting it later on in this report).

Approach 1

D: "Excuse me, is this closure going to affect anyone who's already in line? Or do the other people have to go to the other side of the terminal as well?"
Airport Lady (AL): "Oh no. It's just that we one of the 2 security check machines has broken down and we don't want a long line to form over here."
D: "Oh ok. Well, it's a good thing there are very few flights leaving in the next hour."
AL: "Yeah, hopefully, we'll get it fixed soon."
D: "Yeah, 'cuz after this hour is over you guys might have a mess on your hands with all of the outbound flights in the next couple of hours. Alright, thanks."

It was a very dry interaction, but I approached. haha.

Left the airport not too soon after that.

Went to Whole Foods on the way back to pick up some dinner.

Walked around the store looking for any targets, but there were none.

I decide to get my dinner and some breakfast and then check out.

Go to the cashier line and see this older, maybe late 30s woman checking out in the line next to me. Not bad, but not sure if I want to approach.

I pay for my food and walk toward the elevator to the parking garage.

Get to the elevator and wait for it. Out of the corner of my eye I see HB late 30s finish checking out and making her way to the elevator.

Elevator arrives and she's still a decent amount away. I could have gone down without being rude (as in, if i didn't hold the elevator for her, no one would have thought I was an asshole), but I figured, what the hell, I'm in no rush and maybe I can get in an (what I thought was going to be my "first") approach. So I hold the elevator for her.

And she gets in to the elevator with a "Thanks!" and a flash of a cute smile. Nice.

Approach 2

So this lady had her hands full with a bunch of bags of groceries.

D: "What floor?"
HB: "B. Thanks!"
D: "No problem. Looks like you got yourself a lot of groceries there." (Hahaha, worst...line...ever...).
HB: "Yeah, I can't believe how expense everything is here."
D: "Yeah, that's the cost of eating healthier, organic food. But the cost is worth it."

And I arrive at level A...and I say, "Well, have a nice night."
HB: "Thanks! You too."

After that, I had planned to go out for the night and make my "second" approach. However, I get home, eat dinner. Chill with my roommate watching TV for a bit...and I just pass out watching TV on the couch. Haha.

I was pretty exhausted from all the stress/late nights at work over the last couple of days, so I guess it makes sense.

Woke up around 1AM and was like, WTF...

Get up and think about going out, but it's way too late and decide it'd be best to just go to bed.

Hence, the airport lady became Approach 1. Kinda lame, but I had every intention of making more...if not for passing out.

Pretty lame day, but 10 days ago, I would have done 0, so even though the challenge isn't shaping up like I had envisioned, I'm out of my rut, which is a good thing.

Money owed ch0n60: $0.

Challenge: Day 10 FR

And clients are retarded...

Client sent us data. Data was supposed to be complete. D and firm conduct analysis/modeling as if data is complete.

D and firm notice some values are less than it should be after analysis is done and after writing the presentations...the night before the meeting with the client's Board Committee.

D and firm panic since the client is in the Midwest and have all left the office already. D and firm scrounge the world of public companies and their data and find parts of the missing data.

D is left to retroactively add the "missing" data (the parts that were found anyway) into the modeling/calculations/analysis and re-write presentations for client meetings tomorrow.

Hence, D was stuck at work for basically the 3rd night in a row past midnight. This is not good for my challenge...

Claiming the late night at work exemption.

0 approaches.

Money owed ch0n60: $0.

Fucking clients...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How to Create Rapport

Found this great post through Grow Your Game from the Community for Excellence Forum. Enjoy.


Rapport is crucial in life; the connection between two people. The unspoken words that tell that person “we are on the same page”.

Of course, building strong connections with women will greatly assist in your quest to become the serial seducer, however, the ability to develop genuine strong rapport with people will bring benefits to many areas of your life.

Whether it’s getting served faster at the bar, getting off a video fine or taking a beautiful woman to bed, you get so much more out of people who feel genuine rapport with you.

When you develop the skills to create powerful rapport with people, you can’t help but feel powerful. It’s like you can win anyone over and come out on top in any given social situation. It truly is a great skill to have.

Some people teach that you must first create attraction and then build rapport; I don’t believe that this is a necessary distinction. In all of my PU’s, I focus on creating attraction AND rapport from the outset of the interaction. (I actually focus on generating them before I even open my mouth). Just be aware that to seduce a beautiful woman, you must generally have created both of these feelings within her.

My aim is to create rapport with everyone I interact with; men and women. People I want to get sexual with and people I do not. I don’t see any negatives from having strong rapport with a great many people. I believe you get the best out of people when you feel a strong connection with them.

How do I create rapport?

1. Give something of yourself away; open up to people. Have you ever noticed how telling someone a secret and having them keep it safe makes you hold that person in high regard? I am not advocating telling everyone you meet your deepest darkest secrets; just use the principles. When you tell people something about yourself, (other than the usual, name, age, job etc.), it gives them a window into your personality; a chance to see some of the real you. You are sub-communicating to them: “I am open to you and it’s OK for you to open up to me.” You will often find that they will start to tell you things about their lives. You are already communicating on a deeper level than everyone else she has met that night.

2. I use self-deprecating humour – Almost counter-intuitively, the ability to laugh at yourself actually demonstrates a real strength of character. It is an Alpha trait to not care what other people think of you. The people you are talking to are not perfect either. They will find it easier to relate to a person who can laugh at themselves. Think about it, how hard is it to relate to a guy who takes himself extremely seriously and who will not allow anyone to make a joke at his expense? Be cool.

3. Talk to people at their level. Be mindful of their vocabulary and listen to they give you (about their jobs, lifestyle etc). Within one minute of an interaction, I will know what type of person I am dealing with and I will adjust my diction and conversational threads accordingly. If I was talking to a beautician, I might talk about Big Brother. If I was talking to a law student, I may talk about the political situation in Iraq. This is all about positioning myself at their level of intellect and engaging them in topics that they would have an interest discussing.

4. Empathy – I will always try to see where the other person is coming from. Seeing things from their perspective is a very powerful skill to have when you are creating connections with people. If I am talking to a girl and she mentions that her grandmother has died, I will automatically liken that to the feelings that I had when my grandfather died. I would talk about my feelings during that time and I would expect to share numerous connections with her.

5. Shared experiences – If you have both been to Australia, then you will have immediate connections there.. explore this experience.

6. I will talk sensibly about deep and emotive topics that affect people’s lives. I will talk to a black person about racism, a nurse about the state of pay in the NHS or a gay guy about homophobia. It demonstrates maturity, social intelligence and a depth of character.

7. I will talk about myself in a positive light. This is an honest account of myself... i will admit my shortcomings, but also make clear my positive qualities.

8. I will give my genuine opinions on topics and explain why. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to connect with a sycophant; someone who agrees with everything you say? There is no substance or depth there within which to build a meaningful connection. I will readily disagree with someone if I genuinely do not hold their point of view. I will always do this in a very respectful/ humble manner and let them know my reasons for my opinion.

9. I pay genuine compliments to people. If I notice something I like about a person, I will verbalise it to them; I will compliment guys and girls. If a girl has a strong sense of family values, I will comment on it and tell her I think it is a very attractive quality to have. If a guy is well dressed, I will tell him he looks like “one of the most stylish guys in the club.” Compliments are not supplication as long as they are genuine and delivered in the right way. (SEE QUALIFICATION, PAGE XXXXX) Compliments are also a sign of inner strength; you will find that most guys who are insecure find it hard to praise other people.

10. I will demonstrate the fact that I am a multidimensional individual. I will constantly mix it up from being “comedy Phil” to “serious Phil” to “deep and meaningful Phil.” Not only does this display a great depth of character, it also increases your chances of finding a connection with people. Some people just want to laugh, some are more interested in discussing the political situation in Iraq. By displaying a multi-dimensional character, you are increasing your chances of connecting with them all.

11. Don’t brag about yourself; this comes across as tacky and will put people off; modesty is so much cooler. Let your achievements come out through the course of natural conversation. Cool people have the ability to praise themselves without making it look like they are bragging.

“I am not drop dead gorgeous, but I know I am not ugly”
Is so much cooler than saying:
“I am really good looking”

“I am fortunate to have some really beautiful women in my life”
Is so much cooler than saying:
“I get all the good looking girls”

If you have a good wingman, he can tell the group all of your personal achievements without you having to open your mouth. If you absolutely have to praise yourself, using this sentence before the “brag” will lessen the impact:

“I don’t mean to be arrogant but”…

12. I never judge anyone. Whenever I ask questions and find out about people’s lives, I am never judgemental with their responses. Someone who feels they are likely to be judged by a person is unlikely to truly open up to that person. It is very difficult to create rapport with a person who has kept their barriers up.

13. Trust – If you are following my system, you will realise that a lot of it is about being a good person. Over time, people will realise that they can trust you and this will lead to them opening up more to you. Note that some people take longer to open-up than others. Apply these principles and every person will open-up quicker to you.

14. Being attractive – By becoming the attractive man, you will find that people are more open to you. Girls (and even some guys) will be more interested in creating a connection with someone they find attractive. Your rapport building techniques (along with the rest of your game) will be so much better received if they are attracted to you.

15. Buying people drinks. If I am talking to a guy or a girl that is really cool, I will buy them a drink. Generosity when done in the right way (on your terms) is really attractive. Note… I am not saying to people “please can I buy you a drink”… If I am at the bar and I am buying a drink, I will turn and say to the person “what are you having.” I assume that they will drink with me. (If you have your rapport game down), they usually will 

16. I shake hands with everyone (in the cool way ) – It’s a tiny detail, but a handshake is symbolic of a connection between two people. If I open a group of ten people, I will ask for their names and introduce myself to each one of them with a firm (cool) handshake.

17. I will talk about topics they want to talk about. Most people like to talk about their interests and their lives; I will facilitate that conversation. If I am talking to a professional fighter, I may ask him how his preparation is coming along for his next fight, or I will talk about fighting in general. If I am talking to an Estate Agent, I will ask them about their jobs; the upsides and the downsides.

18. Being direct – I am direct with everyone I meet. People always know where they stand with me and this is so much more conducive to building rapport than someone who never speaks his real mind. Being direct does not mean being rude, it just means being honest with your intentions.

19. I have exemplary manners; this is very important to me. Not saying please and thank you and just having general poor manners is one of the most unattractive things a person can be. Basic manners cost absolutely nothing and they are a very attractive quality (See Manners PAGE XXXXX).

20. Asking people their names and introducing yourself - This is basic common sense manners and should not be forgotten. When you find out someone’s name and then introduce yourself, you will

21. Eye contact – Maintain good solid eye contact when you speak. If your eyes dart around the room, it will send the signal that you are nervous and this will make the person you are talking to nervous (not conducive to developing strong rapport).

22. Voice – Speak in a strong clear voice. As with eye contact, if you have a weak or hesitant voice, this will communicate that you are nervous; you will project these nerves onto others around you and you will make it harder to create a bond with others.

23. When I introduce people to people, I will show that I know something about that person. I will always put a positive spin on that person’s life.

“John, this is Mikey… superstar DJ from around the town and a very accomplished ladies man”

“This is Sammy… he’s training to be a cage fighter and someone you do not want to tangle with”

“This is Carly… she is one of the best dressed women I have ever met”.

Paying people positive complements in this way is very powerful.

24. I laugh loudly and freely. If someone says or does something very funny, I will not sit there and try to look cool by being all alpha, I will laugh out loud. I will let others know that I have found their joke funny.

25. Taking pictures

26. Mimicking their voice – This can be a very subtle, yet powerful generator of rapport. If a person speaks with an accent, I often copy that accent when I speak with them. I will often get shit tested for this, but I always persevere through to compliance. It helps to set a very light hearted and humorous undertone with the person involved. On a subconscious level, talking back to them with their voice also creates a strong connection with that person. I do this with guys and girls to great effect.

27. Mimicking their language/expressions – Everyone has a selection of words and expressions that they use over and over again.

28. Introduce people to people, or as the MM crowd would say “merge the sets.” When I am out, I am constantly introducing my friends to people I have just met and vice versa. ((I will usually add something like “She’s a good girl” or “He’s a good guys” (SEE PAGE XXXXXX)). You are actually connecting groups of people to each other and displaying that you are the guy who is

29. Taking an interest in people – I will ask questions and really listen to what they tell me. I try to have conversations with people that are a little deeper than the usual club/bar “chat.” I advocate building a social circle within a community, so I will see these people over and over again. When I next see that person, I will have a much stronger connection with them as I will know more about their lives. “How did your exams go?” “What was it like in Thailand?” “Did you win the football?” You are using common sense principles to get to find out more about people and their lives and you are creating strong rapport with them in the process.

30. I ask for help from others – I used to work at a recruitment business. When I was out and I got talking about what I did, I was often asked by potential job seekers advice on how to find employment. I would give them the benefit of my experience, often taking their email and send them website addresses; I would give them as much help as I could. This made me feel good and it also created a connection between me and that person. People inherently like to display knowledge over others; they like to be made to feel special.

a. If I am in the bar and I get talking to a guy who is a martial arts instructor, I will ask him to tell me about some decent training techniques.
b. If I am talking to a girl who works for a travel agency, I might ask her to advise me on a great place to go on holiday in the summer.
c. If I find out someone is a Financial Advisor, I may ask them where I should be investing my money.

Asking people to share their knowledge with you not only creates a connection with that person, but the help you receive may also help you in your life.

Challenge: Day 9 FR

Work still impeding on my challenge.

Got out from work around 9 and was dead tired.

Claiming 1 approach exemption.

Got some dinner after work.

Gave ch0n60 a call to see if he wanted to head out to karaoke around 10:30PM. He was going surfing in the morning so I decided I would go by myself.

On the way out, I decided that I should go to the store and pick myself up some fruit since I didn't have any left.

Go to the store and see this cute brunette checking out. Hm, if I do my approach here, I can get it over with, not go to karaoke and go to bed early, which is what I was more interested in at the moment than talking to girls. Sounds like a plan.

I wait for her to finish paying, then decide I'm just going to do a hit and run 'cuz all I really want to do is grab my fruit and go to bed.

I walk up to her, put my hand on her shoulder and...
"Excuse me, I know this is random, but I saw you over there and I just had to say you're cute."
HB: "Thanks!"
D: "I'm D."
HB: "I'm HB."
D: "Nice meeting you!"

...and I walk off like a jackass. A tired jackass, but a jackass nonetheless.

Grabbed my fruit, paid, went home and passed out as soon as my head touched my pillow.

HOPEFULLY, today will be better at work and I can actually get in some quality approaches...

Money owed ch0n60: $0.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Challenge: Day 8 FR


Still at work.

Claiming the late night at work exemption.

0 approaches.

Money owed ch0n60: $0.

Challenge: Day 7 FR

Went back to OC so this will be a short Day 7 since i'm going to claim my 1 approach exemption.

My mom's leaving to go to Singapore this week, so I went back to spend some time with my parents since my mom will be gone for 3 weeks.

Also, I wanted to give my mom an early X-mas present to take with her. I was going to buy my parents a digital camera for X-mas, but seeing as how she was going to Singapore this week to visit relatives, I figured I should give it to her now.

Got back to OC and had lunch with my parents, then decided to go to the local Best Buy to pick up the digital camera.

Get there and go to the camera section. Walk around. There's a cute brunette who's also looking at cameras. I try to decide if I should approach or not since I don't like to approach girls in OC since I'll NEVER want to call them since I'll probably never see them since they live so far away.

Anyway, I decide to approach.

Approach 1

D: "Looking to buy a camera?"
HB: "Yeah."
D: "I'd go with a Canon. I have one right now and I love it. You can't go wrong with a Canon."
HB: "Really? OK. Thanks."
Fuck, this isn't going so well. That was the most retarded ramble of a sentence.
D: "No problem. Are you from around here?"
HB: "Yeah, I'm from "
D: "Cool, I'm actually from . I'm D."
HB: "I'm HB."
D: "Nice to meet you. Good luck with your camera."
HB: "Thanks."

Well, that was retarded. haha. Oh well. I was a victim of the vacuum.

Anyway, picked out a nice Canon (of course) for my parents and then went back to their place. Washed my bed sheets and took my parents out to dinner.

Money owed ch0n60: $0.

Challenge: Day 6 FR

Man, I woke up fucking hurting for Day 6. Day 5 had too much alcohol involved (after the club, at ch0n60's place when we met up with my other friends, and before eating at Swingers).

I texted 3 different girls on Day 5 asking what their plans were for later that night. 1 said she was in a seminar until 10PM. I told her perfect! then you can come out and party with me afterward. She said she would love to, but they said no alcohol since she had to be up early every morning. She said, next time. Another (who I # closed the prior weekend) said her roommate had the flu and so she was going to stay home. The third (another # close from the prior weekend) said she was going to take it easy that night, but would be going out to a club in Santa Monica the next day (Day 6, Saturday) and that ch0n60 and I should come along. Good deal.

Since I had been hurting the whole day (Saturday), I really had no motivation to try and plan anything for Day 6. I just wanted to feel better and then go out somewhere. I decided it would be best to just meet them up at the club and so the girls could provide us social proof and make our lives easier.

ch0n60 gets to the club before I do and when I arrive, he's already talking to 2 chicks from Switzerland. I get introduced, but the place is loud and it's hard to hear people, especially for me since I have such terrible hearing. ch0n60 says they're boring and I can see that. I grab a drink and ch0n60 tries to get them to come to the dancefloor with us, but they politely decline. No matter, we head off to the dancefloor to check it out.

Walk around a bit. Go back to the dancefloor.

Approach 1

So as ch0n60 and I are sitting there chatting on the dancefloor, this 2 set comes up RIGHT next to me and just stands there chilling. Interesting.

I turn to them and say "Cheers!" They cheers me and go back to staring at other people. I turn to ch0n60 and he says, "That doesn't count!" I reply with, "I know. I'm just making it easier on myself for the actual opener." He then asks, "do you think it's a proximity IOI?" I shrug since I have no idea. It could be.

I then turn back to them and ask, "So how are you guys doing?"
HB: "Not too bad. What about yourself?"
D: "Pretty good, thanks. My name's D."
HB: "Hi."
(OK...no name? Maybe she did say her name, but it's so fucking loud I can't hear.)
D: "What's your name?"
HB: "HB."
D: "Cool, nice to meet you."

So that didn't work out so well. Even if it was a proximity IOI, it was too fucking loud to talk. I need to work on doing some sub communication for loud environments just like this.

I probably could have started a more interesting thread when she asked me how I was doing like,
"Pretty good since I'm out enjoying a drink, chilling with my friend ch0n60 and meeting awesome new people like yourself. What more could I ask for?"

That would have been good, but alas, I'm not that quick. Haha.

After that failed attempt at social interaction, ch0n60 and I move around the club some. It's getting hot so we go find the AC vent and stand in front of it to cool off.

Grab some more drinks.

Then I see the girls coming in. The girls are awesome people, really fun to hang out with. They're on the borderline of being my type. I'd bone them, but I'd need to have some alcohol. However, a girl I haven't met before shows up with them. She's fucking smoking hot. Totally my type. Dammit, how do I play this off? I think the girl who's number I have wants me, but I'd rather have her friend. haha.

So we chat with them and get introduced to the 2 new girls. They go off to get drinks and we wander around some more looking for other girls to talk to. Not much really going on that night at the club. Mostly dudes. It was gross.

ch0n60 and I are just chilling when the girl who's number I have (let's call her HB LAKE (acronym for where I met her)) comes up to us and tells us to come hang out with them. So we follow her to the dancefloor and dance with her and her friends. So I'm dancing next to HB LAKE, chatting with her, bantering, kinoing. Just playing solid overall game with her just in case. Then she says she thinks she figured out where she knows me from (she said I looked familiar when I had met her the previous weekend). She asks me if I used to date this girl named . So I responded, "yeah..." "And she had a sister who was in " "Yup. How do you know my ex?" "Oh, I lived on the same floor as her back at UCLA." "Oh, I see." Fuck, she now went from borderline boneable to not really on my radar. haha. I don't know why. I just don't like to associate with people who know my ex from long ago. I was a totally different person back then. It reminds me too much of my past, I guess.

So we just dance with HB LAKE and her friends. Somewhere along there, I leave the group to get a drink and do approach 2.

Approach 2

I walk over to the bar and roll up next to this really cute chick. I stand there waiting to order and I'm trying to decide if she's really cute. I haven't actually had a chance to see a real frontal view of her face yet. I say fuck, just do it. So I turn to her, put my arm on her shoulder, turn her to face me and say, "Excuse me, I saw you and had to just say I think you're cute. My name's D."
HB: "Hi, my name's ...."
D: "What was your name again?"
HB: "HB"
D: "Nice to meet you HB."

Fuck, I'm really having trouble with the loud music. This night isn't going well so far. I let her walk off. Whatever.

A cute Asian chick walks up next to me at the bar. We end up waiting for forever for service. I open her,
D: "Man, I think we're in the wrong part of the bar. There's a bartender over there, another one over there, and another one over there. We're like in no man's land."
HB: "haha, I know, huh?"
D: "My name's D"
HB: "I'm HB. Actually, I think I'm going to try and get a drink over there."
D: "OK, good luck."

Right after she walks away, the bartender comes up to me and I get my order in. Haha. Figures it would work out that way. Oh well. I get my drink and walk back to the group.

I make my way around the group and dance with just about every girl in the group. I'm trying to be the fun party guy that I am. Being energetic. Jumping into the middle of the dancing circle. Trying to be energetic and get everyone else involved. All the while, it seems like HB LAKE's hot blond friend is eye fucking the shit out of me. I like it, but I think HB LAKE has already called dibs on my dick. Sucks for me.

I try to chat with HB Blond, making small talk. She looks tired and somewhat bored. We dance a bit, but it seems like she is holding back because of HB LAKE. I'm not sure.

During the whole time, all these guys are standing around our group, looking on and trying to dance with all the girls we are with. I end up acting as cockblock and blocking all of the outsider guys whenever the girls would ask me for help. After getting the signal, i would pull the girl(s) to me, spin them, dance with them, and then get in the way of the outsider guys whenever they tried to dance with the girls. The girls loved it. I was their protector.

HB LAKE kept on wandering over my way in the group and kept on trying to dance with me. I obliged and we danced a couple of times. Damn. Yup, it definitely seems like she called dibs on my dick. Oh well.

As it nears 1:30, i'm dancing and then this other girl, who I dont know comes up and starts rubbing her ass into my ass. Cool. haha. I start to grind my ass into her ass and we're going it and all the way down to the ground and then back up again. Good shit. She's pretty hot too (we'll call her HB Grind). I turn around laughing and give her a high five, then ignore her. Other guys try to come in and talk to her, but she kind of just chats with them for a bit and doesn't give them the time of day.

HB Grind and her friend end up hanging around right next to me and the group and dancing together. THAT is a proximity IOI. Very Happy

It's almost closing time and the girls in the group decide it's time to go grab some food. I want to talk to to HB Grind some, but don't want to do it in front of the girls. I let them lead the way out and I hang back.

After the group goes, including ch0n60, I go back to HB Grind and say "hey."
She instantly grabs me and pulls me right to her. We're standing cheek to cheek and dance a little.
She asks me what race I am, and I tell her "Chinese."
She says, "Too bad."
I ask her what is she, "she says half Japanese, half Filipino."
D: "What's your name?"
HB: "HB."
I probably should have made her jump through hoops or something/disqualified, but she was ready to go...and i was a fucking idiot. I wanted to number close, but my brain just froze. I couldn't come up with anything to say to close her with. Mother fucker. I kind of mumbled something and said "It was nice meeting you."
She said, "You too. Have fun, I'll see you around."
She then kind of gave me a kiss on the cheek. Like where her cheek is on my cheek then make that kissing sound.

I walked out of the club really pissed off at myself. Evil or Very Mad

I am a fucking retard...I better not let that happen ever again. As I walk to find ch0n60 and the girls, I come up with the best time bridge, number close line ever for me. Of course, it always happens a moment too late. FUCK.

Anyway, meet up with the group and we go grab some food.

Money owed ch0n60: $0.

Challenge: Day 5 FR

Head out with ch0n60 to a club in Santa Monica and get there around 10:15PM. We walk in and it's dead so we decide to go in the back room where there is a lounge. We walk in there and it's packed with Asians. We're like, wtf. It seems like a b-day party so ch0n60 opens a girl and asks her such and she responds that it is. We decide after chilling there for a bit to go out into the main area to see if anyone else had showed up. Some people have, but the place is still kinda slow. We decide to get our hands stamped and to check out another bar.

At the other bar, we get some drinks and I decide to open these 2 chicks at the bar who are eating this pizza, which smells really good.

Approach 1

D: "Hey, what type of pizza is that? It smells really good."
Girl: "It's a mushroom pizza."
D: "Really? That's it? Wow, I never thought a mushroom pizza could smell that good. Cool."
Girl: "Yeah, it's pretty good. Feel free to have a slice."
D: "No, thanks, but thanks for the offer."

Proceed to talk to ch0n60. Those girls weren't really my type, but I just wanted to get an approach/open in.

We decide to go to another bar and look around there. It's all dudes, so we decide to go back to the club we were at originally. It's packed now.

We walk around and go back into the back to the lounge.

Approach 2

I decide to open this seated 2 set. Open them and get into a really good, long conversation.

I opened them with "Are you guys here for the birthday?"
Girls: "Yeah, are you guys?"
D: "Nope." *laughs*
Girls: "Oh so you guys are just crashing then?"
D: "Nope. We're just having a good time."
Sit down next to them. Introduce ch0n60 and he sits down next to the other girl.
We chat about random stuff. Kino. I get her laughing. I can tell the attraction is there on her part, but it's not there on my part. She's Korean. I have a thing against Korean girls.

Anyway, I close her. She says she never goes out. She only came out since it was a bday party. As a result, she never gives out her number, but she'll give me her email address. Fine, whatever. I won't email her. haha.

ch0n60 opens some girls that are seated. I chat up one of them. Really cute girl who's going to UCLA. Also from OC. She's really young though. She just turned 21. I don't like girls that just turned 21. They're too ADD. And yup, this girl is the same. She's bouncing all over the place. I can't deal with it. So I walk away. haha.

Go to the bar. Not sure if ch0n60 or if I opened this next set, but it was a 3 set, 1 guy 2 girls. We chat them up for a bit. ch0n60 wanders off somewhere and I'm left talking to the dude. The dudes a bit off, but I humor him and chat with him for a while.

ch0n60 talks to this blond and we start chatting her up. She's there with some dudes, but is out to have a good time. I tell her, let's go dance and grab her hand and lead her to the dance floor. We dance for a bit, but since ch0n60 opened her, I decide to leave so that he can get his freak on.

I go back and find that same 3 set and talk to them again. One of the girls is pretty cute, so I talk to her and end up number closing her. She's not from around here and will be leaving town on Sunday. Unfortunately, I don't think I got her name right and didn't end up calling her today (day 6).

After that, we went back to ch0n60's place to meet up a couple of my other friends for some wine.

Went to get some food. Drank too much and woke up the next morning hurting.

Money owed ch0n60: $0.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Challenge: Day 4 FR

Worked late last night.

Claiming the exemption for 0 approaches.

Didn't make any approaches.

Money owed ch0n60: $0.

Challenge: Day 3 FR

Was extremley busy at work all of a sudden on Thursday, so I couldn't find any time to write up Day 3. Anyway, here goes. I'll try to make this short since there were no closes, but it was at least better than the first 2 days.

Approach 1

Went to Wednesday Tacos at Don Antonio's and opened this 2 set with "have you guys been waiting here long?" One of the girls got up to use her cell phone and I was just chatting with the other girl all by herself. She went on to say that they weren't here for food, they just came to the bar to drink. Got the introductions. Asked her what made them choose this bar when there are so many others and she responded that she didn't really know of any other bars. I figured that she probably just turned 21 or was just in town. She seemed to be really out of it since her friend left her there all alone. I returned to talking to my group of friends and that was pretty much that.

Approach 2

Went to the Parlor after Don Antonio's with ch0n60. The place is actually kind of dead, but there are like 2 sets in the place that I could approach. One, a 2 set, as ch0n60 put it, looked like they were going to be cold. The other, a 3 set, was sitting at a table eating. I thought the 2 set would be easier, but ch0n60's input was enough to put them off to me.

We just chill a bit more and a 2 set walks in. Perfect. Both ch0n60 and I are pretty tired, so I decide to get in my 2nd set and then we can leave. They're at the bar and so I go up and approach them. "Hey guys, how's it going? What are you guys drinking?" "Vodka and soda." "Cool. Cheers!" Drink the rest of my beer and then leave.

I can definitely feel that my AA has dramatically decreased from Day 1 to Day 3. I even got out a question after the opening! Haha.

Now, onto actually having an actual meaningful conversation...

Money owed ch0n60: $0.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Challenge: Day 2 FR

Well, today didn't go according to plan, but I still got my 2 approaches in even though there was nothing really groundbreaking about them. This won't be that exciting of a summary.

I ended up having an hour long dizzy spell at work and wasn't even sure if I would be feeling well enough to make the approaches today, let alone make it home, but it finally let up and I felt better.

After work, instead of going out, I decided to go home and take a nap just in case my dizzy spell was caused by lack of sleep.

After my nap, I went to the driving range with a couple coworkers.

By the time we had finished, it was already 9:20 and I was running out of time.

Go to Whole Foods with one of my coworkers to pick up some dinner. Walk around there and see a target as I walk in, but she's like 3 inches taller than me and my limiting beliefs won't let me approach her. Oh well. Walk around some more and there's nothing else around. Leave and go back to my apartment to eat.

After eating, I head over to the local bar that has karaoke night. Great idea. The place is pretty bumping and there are lots of girls out. Grab a beer and make a round of the place looking for possible sets. I see a few and just chill watching people sing karaoke.

Go back downstairs to the bar and get another beer.

Approach 1

After getting my beer, there's a decent 2 set next to me. I open them with a "cheers!" They cheers me. The girl furthest from me whispers to her friend, "well, that was cute" or "he's cute." I'm not much of a lip reader, but I definitely heard the "cute." Very Happy

After that, I decided to just sit there and not say anything else. Again. Evil or Very Mad Oh well.

So anyway, ch0n60 shows up and we're at the bar waiting for him to get a drink.

Approach 2

A 2 set strolls up and comes up to the bar next to me. I'm chatting with ch0n60 and then it seems like we've all been waiting awhile for the bartender, so I ask the 2 set if they had gotten their orders in yet and they said "yeah, we have." Just then, the bartender comes in with their drinks and plops them down. I don't know how I missed them ordering, but no big deal. Again, lame, but I said something after opening.

I feel like I'm learning how to crawl/walk all over again. Ha...I need to stop being afraid to fail.

So ch0n60 and I just chill around the bar for a bit, check out the karaoke which ends up breaking, then go back down to the bar to look for girls.

I want to approach this really cute brunette direct, but she's surrounded by her 4 friends, so I decide to wait for better positioning.

We go back upstairs to the karaoke are and ch0n60 wants to sing. Now, I'm not a big fan of karaoke nor am I a good singer. I usually am scared to death of singing in front of people, and I ended up giving some pushback. But ch0n60 really wanted to do it, so I figured, hell, if I'm ever going to get over my fear of failing, this would be the first step. We end up singing a song and boy did we suck, but it was awesome. Haha. ch0n60 even had to sing the first part acapella since the music wasn't on or something. I'm glad I sang though since it pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I will definitely have to go back next week.

That was it for day 2. Hopefully, today I will get beyond the opener. I don't have any plans after work (i.e. gym, driving range) so as long as I don't get another dizzy spell today, I should have a lot more time to get in some quality sets.

Money owed ch0n60: $0

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Challenge: Day 1 FR

So after I get off work at 6:45, I go to the gym with a co-worker. I had expected to do a light workout since I was planning on getting in 2 approaches, but since my co-worker went with me, we ended up working out a lot harder than I had expected and didn't leave the gym till around 8. That severely cut into my approaching time. Dammit, but at least I'm getting in shape. (I'm seriously thinking about putting in an additional out clause for going to the gym - as in reduce the number of approaches from 2 to 1).

Anyway, head back to my apartment to shower and get ready to do some approaches. Go to a grocery store, known for tons of targets, and walk around. I walk around, walk around. Can't really find a good target. Then I see one, brunette, really hot, but I don't open on the initial walk-by. Dammit. I'm still trying to judge if she's hot enough. Walk back around, yeah, she's hot enough. Then some dude she knows starts talking to her. OK, maybe he'll leave. They keep talking and it looks like it's her bf. OK, move on. Walk around the store some more, but alas, there are no more targets. I decide to go to another similar grocery store.

Head over to the store. It's like 9:15 now. I'm running out of time...

Approach 1

As I'm parking, I see two girls get in the elevator to go up to the store. One's blonde and from far away, she looks pretty cute. Sweet, I just have to find her in the store somewhere. I get in the elevator and go up. Walk around and see the blonde. Yikes, she's not as hot as I thought. Damn "good from far, but far from good." However, at a quick glance, her friend is cute, but I'm going to walk around to make sure.

Walk around some more, and yeah, she is definitely cute. It's time for the first approach.

I walk up deciding to do direct. I'm cool, I'm calm, I'm going to fuck this chick! I start to say...and then get REALLY nervous...

D: "Excuse me, I know this is kind of random, but I just had to say I think you're cute." Fuck, it kind of stammers out...I talk too fast.

Wow, that was pretty bad. Opening wasn't that smooth, but I got it out.

HB: "Aww, that was very sweet and nice. Thank you."

D: "I'm D"

HB: "I'm Girl. Nice to meet you D. Again, thanks. That was very nice."

Alright, I can tell this isn't going anywhere. I fucked up the opening/body language, so I say "nice to meet you" and eject to go find myself some dinner.

I was on the verge of transitioning into a question, but I just couldn't force myself to get it out. Horrible.

Time to move on.

I pick up some dinner and some breakfast and head out back to my apartment.


Make plans to meet up one of my friends later at a bar to shoot some pool just in case I can't get another one in after I eat.

Head out to another local grocery store. Walk around. I see two potential targets, but they're on the phone. I walk around the store THREE times and they're still on the phone. I say fuck it and leave, but not before picking up some protein bars and fruit. Not only is this challenge forcing me to go out, but I'm actually picking up healthy food!

Try to go to Border's, but they're closed. No matter, my friend calls and says he's ready to go to the bar.

Meet him and we walk over to the bar. It's kind of dead, but there are a few girls around. Grab the pool balls and start to shoot some pool.

It's starting to get late, the girls are paired off with dudes. Fuck, I need to get one more approach in.

Approach 2

After the end of one of the pool games, I tell my friend, I'll be right back. I'm going to go to the bar to get a beer (there goes that healthy lifestyle!). Grab a beer. There's a 2 set that just walks in and sits at the bar. They're not my type, but fuck, I need to get my last approach in. I walk over to them and say, "Cheers!" Clink glasses and then walk away. Haha. That was my 2nd approach. Kind of a cop out, but it was already almost midnight and I needed to get my 2nd approach in so I don't have to pay ch0n60 on the first day of my challenge. Haha.

Even though it was kind of a cop out, I think the line of thinking to open anything is beneficial to me. Even though I didn't really want to talk to those girls, putting myself in a social frame of mind to open anyone and everyone will help further down the line.

For not actually opening in over 2 months, I think this went as well as could be expected for a Monday night where I didn't get out of work and the gym till 8PM.

Tune in for the next installment. Hopefully, it will be better...

Money owed ch0n60: $0

Monday, July 16, 2007

And So I Begin Anew: 30-Day Challenge

Even though I had a very eventful weekend and got a couple number closes (along with winning an $800 gift certificate to a spa), I still need something to push my ass to get out more. I had been in a huge rut, not really having the motivation to go out and open and meet women. I was content with going out and just chilling with my friends. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that, but while I'm out, I might as well be social and interact with women. As a result, I have decided to take on my own challenge. The rules are outlined below:

This challenge will begin on July 16, 2007 and last for 30 days.

Each day, I will be required to open 2 sets, using whatever opener I choose (indirect, direct, situational), or be prepared to PAY the consequences. When I say PAY, I really do mean PAY. Should I fail to open 2 sets in any day, I will be required to pay $50 to ch0n60. Since I will be doing most of this on my own, I need to have that extra kick in the ass to get me to approach.

There are exceptions to the 2 sets per day rule where I will not have to pay ch0n60 should I fail to make my approaches:
1. I close on the first approach.
2. I get sick (1 approach still required).
3. I have to work past 8PM (1 approach still required)/Midnight (0 approaches required).
4. I have a day 2 on that day (1 approach still required).
5. I go back to OC (1 approach still required).
6. An emergency comes up (O approaches required).

Even though I do not have to pay ch0n60 if the above occur, I should still make an attempt to approach during the day.

Those are the rules. Let the games begin!