Monday, August 27, 2007

Challenge: Summary

I had to postpone my additional 5 days due to being completely swamped at work. I was so swamped at work that I even missed the PUA Convention in Hollywood this past week. I was pretty bummed. I heard APB had a badass speech. I'm sorry I missed it.

Anyway, as a result of my challenge, I decided to write a summary. I was going to do it after my additional 5 days were done, but I decided to write it now since I'm not sure when I'll be able to get my 5 days in (due to work).

As a result, here is my summary of my 30 day challenge. I will then add on the 5 days later with an additional summary:

My original intent for this challenge was to get me out my funk: more specifically, get my ass ass and go out and talk to women instead of going out and being content to just chill with my friends. I had gotten pretty sick some time ago after going out almost every night and that had a lingering effect on my attitude of continually going out. It had affected my subconscious and my state was continually off every time I went out. I had lost a lot of motivation to go out and to approach.

Anyway, I ended up taking around 2 or 3 months off from actively gaming. I did close a girl here and there, but I just wasn't making the effort to do cold approaches. As a result, my AA came back and prevented me from making cold approaches. I would come up with some excuse to not approach leaving me pretty frustrated with myself once the night was over. I would come up with lame excuses that I would later realize was just my AA giving me reasons not to approach. I knew that once I got my AA back to a manageable level, I would be good to go, since I knew the rest of my game was pretty much intact (evidenced by the closes I got during my funk). Hence, the final goal of this challenge was to regain the desire and comfort level to go out almost every night (get over my recently developed subconscious fear) and to get my AA to a manageable level. I also wanted to try to increase my sexual framing and try to take that to a new level - I wanted to field test some things during this challenge.

They were reasonable goals that I knew would be achievable if I stuck to the challenge. (side note: I also wanted to avoid paying ch0n60 a lot of money - another goal Laughing )

The first week basically involved huge amounts of AA and trying to work myself through all of that. There was some tough going at first and lots of lame openers, but I was able to get my approaches in and could start to see the AA fade. I even closed a couple of different chicks and had a great time.

The second week was interrupted by a lot of work and I didn't get in that many approaches, but it was still a good week and my AA stayed manageable.

The third week was the money week. Best week of all. Had interactions with hot chicks. The meeting with Vince. # closed a hot blonde and found a great formula for me: D + Wednesday + Busby's + blonde girl + girl named _e____e_ (actual name left out) = D walking away with that girl's number. haha. Learned a great lesson. Chill day. Fun night + LR. HB 9.99999. Awesome awesome week. If only all my weeks could be like that. haha.

Fourth week, a bit of a let down. Lots of work. AMOGed an older dude after he had already opened the HB. Awesome interaction with one chick. Got my ass grabbed twice. Overall, I guess it wasn't a bad week. haha.

Last couple days was work and 1 day of approaches.

At the end of it all, I definitely achieved my goals. My AA, although never really going away, became extremely manageable. The first approach was always the hardest, but by then end, I was opening without any hesitation and even went in and opened a hot chick that was already talking to a guy who was already having a decent conversation with her.

I also got laid, so just based on that, I'd say the challenge was a success.

I did increase my sexual framing and lost my fear of turning things sexual (hence, leading up to the lay).

In addition to that, I lost my fear of making a mistake. As thee_jacas says, I learned to internalize, "fuck that shit!"

I also learned many subtle points about myself and my sticking points:
1) I need to keep pushing the interaction and better recognize situations where the girls still want to talk to you - I tend to eject when I'm not interested even though I could probably have interesting conversation and interactions with girls that I open
2) I learned how to recognize obvious and discreet AIs
3) I need to keep working on my sexual framing and physical escalation - sexual framing makes the conversations a lot more fun and interesting and amps up the BT
4) I need to drink less
5) I need to stop smoking so much
6) I learned how to better game hired guns
7) I need to parade girls around (move locations) to build social proof
Cool I need to not think so linearly - think outside of the box and find ways to be an "artist"
9) I can say things sexually that I might have once thought would offend a girl, but in reality, if properly calibrated, can be a handy tool in any interaction.

I'm sure there was more that I can't think of right now and have internalized, but I think that pretty much sums up those 30 days. It's amazing I was able to complete it all and it was a great experience.

Hopefully, the posts in this challenge have been entertaining (when there were actual FRs) and maybe an inspiration to some.

If anyone has been considering doing a 30 day challenge, I would suggest doing it. It can only help your game.

Until the next 5 days...


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