Monday, August 13, 2007

Challenge: Day 27 FR

Was supposed to write this earlier, but was hungover and didn't have it in me to write anymore after the last post.

Anyway, went down to OC for the day so I could have claimed the 1 approach exemption, but I wouldn't need it tonight.

Picked up thee_jacas and met Ulysses, 4FivE6, and Gucci at Beauty Bar in Hollywood. b33p was also there since he was teaching a workshop and jeromevincent showed up after thee_jacas and I had arrived.

I had never been to Beauty Bar, but it was a cool, small little place in Hollywood. I thought it was a good place.

Anyway, I'm pretty tired as the night starts off. I'm in the middle of moving to a new apartment. I have already moved my bed to the new apt., but most everything else is still at the old apt., so I had slept on the couch at my old apt and it hadn't been a great sleep.

Ulysses, 4FivE6, and thee_jacas were good to go from the beginning of the night. I had a little trouble starting myself off.

I was standing there talking to thee_jacas when this group of girls started talking behind me. I couldn't help but overhear...

Approach 1

HB Disgust: "OMG, I can't believe that guy, I think I'm going to throw up. Ah, seriously, that guy made me want to throw up."
D (with a slight turn so that I'm talking over my shoulder to her): "Woah woah woah. Please feel free to throw up but just not on me. Thanks."
HB Disgust: "haha, don't worry, I'll be sure to go to the bathroom."
D: "Alright, well, then when you get back, you will have to be sure to tell me why you need to throw up."
HB Disgust: "haha, ok, i promise I will tell you later."
D: "Sounds good."

Then her and her friends walk off to the bathroom. I did this all with my back to her and just talking over my shoulder.

I go back to talk to thee_jacas. I think I start talking to jeromevincent who's at the bar and this girl is dancing on the dancefloor behind me. She's rubbing up against my back with her back and ass. Hm... I try to dance back into her back. After a bit of that I decide to open her.

Approach 2

D: "Did you just grab my ass?!" (credit thee_jacas - hahaha)
She looks at me weird and replies, "No..."

So I just laugh to myself and walk away.

I wander around and just mingle with everyone.

I run into HB Disgust and tell her, "OK, now you need to tell me what you were so disgusted by earlier."
HB Disgust: "haha, ok. So this guy comes up to us and starts talking to us. He's wearing this green velvet shirt. It was disgusting. Guys should know when a girl is out of their league and stay away."
D: "OMG, you're such a brat. Just not liking a guy because he has bad fashion sense. So what did he open you up with?"
HB Disgust: "He just came up and asked for our names."
D: "No way! I was going to do that too! It's a good thing I didn't do that then..."
HB Digust laughs
thee_jacas comes over and joins the interaction.
we all start talking and then HB Digust notices something and she whispers to me: "Oh no, your friend is wearing velvet!" So I laugh and tell HB Disgust to explain the situation to thee_jacas. She does and she starts busting on poor thee_jacas for wearing velvet about he's in the wrong century. Something like that. I call her a brat a couple more times. We're all having a good time busting on each other.
D: "So would you say my outfit is banging?"
HB Disgust: "Yeah, definitely. I like your style."
D: "Cool."
She goes on to say that she doesn't think thee_jacas' clothes are banging. haha. We chat about what thee_jacas should do next time he goes out. We come to the conclusion that the next time, both thee_jacas and I will wear polo shirts out so that we're "safe." Good laughs all around. thee_jacas then decides to leave to go find our other friends.
So now I'm in mini-isolation with HB Disgust and I start off with, "you seem like a laid-back person and not stuck up? Would you agree?"
HB Disgust: "yeah, i would."
D: "Good, or else I might have to stop talking to you." *smile* "So where are you from?"
HB Disgust: "Orange County."
D: "No way! I'm originally from there too!" *high five!* "Wait, I shouldn't talk to you anymore. We both can't be from OC." (backturn. wait. turn back around) "But I guess it's OK."
HB Disgust: "haha, where did you go to high school?"
D: "I went to "
HB Disgust: "No way! I went to ."
D: "haha. awesome."
HB Disgust's friend: "Wait, where did you go to high school?"
D: "I went to "
HB Disgust's friend: "where is that?"
D: "It's in Anaheim."
HB Disgust's friend: "Oh ok."
D: "So do you live up here now or do you still live in OC?"
HB Disgust: "Yeah, I still live in OC."
D: "OMG, so you came all the way up here? You're crazy!"
HB Disgust: ""
D: "Alright, let's play a game..."
HB Disgust: "OK..."
Strawberry fields. When I get to telling her about the strawberries, she goes, "OMG, now you're hitting on me!"
D: "what? I can't believe you. that's it. I can't talk to you anymore." (backturn)
HB Disgust grabs me and turns me back around. "No..."
D: "OK, so are you going to behave?"
HB Disgust: "yes..."
Go on to tell her the rest of the analysis.
Her friends want to leave and I hate closing chicks who live in OC because it's so damn far, so I say exactly that, "well, I would ask for your number, but you live so far away. it's too bad, but come here." I grab her and hug her. she gives me a real tight squeeze back. Tell her "it was nice meeting you" and let her go.

Go and find thee_jacas and debrief him on what happened. Good times.

Throughout the night, I was just social and talked to a bunch of people. I even got invited to some guy's after hours party in the Hollywood Hills, but didn't stick around to get the contact info.

Helped wing for thee_jacas and 4FivE6.

Went to the smoking area and was talking to people there. Then this girl grabs my ass. I open her with, "Did you just grab my ass?!"
HB Ass Grabber: "Yeah, it was just sticking in my face, so I grabbed it."
D: "haha, wow, you're forward aren't you? I think you should do it again. It felt good."
HB Ass Grabber: "haha, ok." and she grabs my ass again giving it a nice squeeze.
D: "Awesome. that was a good one. what's your name?"
HB Ass Grabber: "I'm "
D: "I'm D. nice to meet you."
Don't really remember what happened after that...but I did ask her if she wanted to go to the main area. She said she was either too drunk or tired, but maybe later. I told her to find me out there when she does.

Walk around some more. Chat with people. Then Kat from Miami Ink (soon to be Hollywood or Los Angeles Ink walks in). 4FivE6 says, "I think that's Kat from Miami Ink!"
D: "really? where?"
4FivE6: "There, that one."
D: "Oh shit, I thikn you're right."
I walk over to her and open her with, "hey, are you Kat from Miami Ink?"
HAHAHA. Worst...line...EVER.
I introduce myself and that was about it.

She's a lot taller in person than she seemed on the show, but she is still pretty hot.

I think those were the main points of the night. Good times.

Money owed ch0n60: $100.

As a side note, I need to stop smoking...


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