Thursday, July 06, 2006

FR: And Everyone Else Disappeared Into the Background...

So I have been trying to create some new wings in LA, but it has not been an easy task. The new AFCs that I have been trying to make approach encounter too much AA, do a few approaches, and then chicken out and hide from me. It's quite frustrating.

So a few of my friends from HS, AFCs, decided to come up and visit me from OC since one of them is leaving to go to Korea and Japan for a couple weeks and then to NY for law school (also, he found out his gf of 2 years has been cheating on him for the past 3 months). We went to dinner, had some drinks at my apartment and then went out to the local bar within walking distance. I figured I would just chill, have a good time with my friends, and not do any sarging since I didn't have a proper wing.

We get to the bar and the place is dead. It's a Wednesday night, the 5th, right after a long holiday weekend, so it's not really a huge surprise. We just sit at the bar and chill and get a couple pitchers of beer. I'm actually do start to get kind of antsy and want to do some sarging (I guess you can never really quiet the internal urge once you start), but there really are no good targets. At best, there are a couple of 6s and maybe a 7 with her bf. Not much is going on, so I'm just enjoying hanging with some friends I haven't seen in a while.

Then a 4 set, 1 guy with his gf and 2 girls walk in. One of the girls is an 8. I don't really pay much attention as I'm kind of out of the mood to sarge since there wasn't anyone in the beginning. We finish our beers and chat some more. Get another round before we leave. My friend who's leaving decides he's going to go outside to have a smoke so a couple of my friends follow him outside while I remain inside with another friend and another friend's friend (who happens to be a girl, a 6.5). While my friends are outside smoking, I notice the 8 go outside as well and she bums a smoke off my friends. I know they have no chance and that she's going to be out there for a least a few minutes. I might as well go out there and hang out, maybe see if she's worth gaming.

I tell my friends who are at the bar with me that I'll be back. I'm going to go outside with everyone else. I get outside and HBNYteacher (she's a Teacher of America originally from Chicago, living in NY, and now visiting LA) is being hounded by some black, homeless guy in a wheelchair. Well, actually, I question whether he's homeless or not. He's actually pretty clean and put together pretty well. He's actually a pretty funny guy when you talk to him. Anyway, he's trying to get this girl to buy some gum or a lighter from him (he sells these things for a huge profit), but she's not having any of it. She's obviously got her bitch shield up. I let them banter for a bit while my friends just look on not saying anything. It really looks like they want to talk to the HB, but they have no idea what to say. I've just had enough of this awkward bantering between the HB and the homeless dude, so I flip on my PUA switch and it's on...

"Hey guys, quick question..."

Proceed with law school ex- opener. BAM! I've got the attention of the whole group. The homeless dude shuts up and I'm in the with HB.

She gives her response and I pace her reality by agreeing with her opinion of the situation. Intiate kino - high five!

We make some small talk. Homeless guy and some of my friends try to interject in the conversation but the HB and I just ignore them. My frame was so strong that everything and everyone else disappeared into the background. It was just me and the HB.

I had read many times before where PUAs had been AMOGed in a set and they just ignored the AMOGs and spoke over them. They then go on to say that everything then fades away and it's basically just the PUA and the HB talking. I had never experienced anything like that and never knew how that would work. How does one just ignore what's going on around them? It seemed illogical. However, on this night, I found out how it all happens.

The connection this HB and I had while we spoke was strong. No one else seemed to matter. I dominated all the other guys in the group. She was only answering my questions and looking at me. Everyone else didn't matter.

PUA: "I have an intution about you... Are you adventurous?"

HB: "Oh yeah..."

PUA: "What ethnicity are you? I know you're Caucasian, but what's your background?" (Qualifying)

HB: "Blah blah blah.... (some type of European mutt)"

PUA: continues with qualifying

PUA: "Here, give me your hand."

HB (timidly): "...OK..."

PUA spins her!

HB (laughing and with that sparkle in her eye): "wow..." (she proceeds to hold my hand for about 10 seconds longer than necessary after the spin)

PUA: "hey, let's go inside to the bar" (trying to venue change and isolate)

Get inside and start walking to the bar...

HB: "Thanks, but I should get back to my friends..."

PUA: "OK..."

Walk to my friend that I had left inside the bar, and they were like, "HOLY SHIT!! That was awesome dude!! How did you do that?!"

The girl who was a friend of a friend was like, "So do you only go for white girls?" Obviously, the HB had given me social proof and this girl who I had just met had now seen me a new light, one where she was attracted to me.

My friends come back in from outside and were like, "HOLY SHIT!! That was amazing!! How did you do that?! That girl was cute. Man, I wish you weren't so smooth. I totally would have boned her!" (I'm thinking, yeah, you would bone her if you could, but you're too AFC. That's why I knew I had to take over.)

Finish our beers and go outside. Find the homeless dude. "Man, you've got some game. That was sooo smooth. I wish I had game like you." Overall a good night.

There were a lot of things that went right, but there were also a lot of things that went wrong.

What went right:

1) Frame control. Right from the beginning, I brought the HB and everyone else in the group into my frame. I brought them into my reality and made them see the world through my eyes. I didn't let the other guys in the group ask questions or talk to the girl.

2) Kino escalation. Start with my usual high-five. Spin and holding of hand (actually, she was holding my hand, but I didn't pull away).

3) Qualifying. Screening her to see if she's the type of girl I would date.

4) Value - portraying Value and having Value for her life.

5) Trying to isolate and venue change.

What went wrong:

1) No push-pull.

2) Negs - No neg after the spin (kinda like push pull). No neg when she said she was going to talk to her friends.

3) Did not really portray a sense of Attainability.

4) Did not play tight game to get Compliance.

I still have a long way to go...but I'm really liking the progress I am making. It's an exciting time. 4 more days of work at my old job until I start a new chapter in my life. Also, maybe I don't need to train a new wing for when I'm in LA. I can just go out with my AFC friends and still sarge. I think I've gotten to the point now where I don't care if my AFC friends know I'm a PUA or not. I just don't care anymore... That's definitely a good thing.

Like Shark says, "Are you afraid that people are going to know you have sex?"