Tuesday, April 25, 2006

My First Post as an Aspiring PUA

Well, I have finally started a blog to document my journey. It is actually pretty exciting since I have been an aspiring PUA for the past 6 months now. I first got into the Game when a couple of friends, which includes my most trusted wing Holiday, told me to read The Game by Neil Strauss. I had just gotten out of a relationship (if you can call it that), and I decided that I had been sitting on my ass long enough. It was time for a change because even though I had just been banging the hottest girl I knew, that situation didn't last. Something went wrong somewhere and I wanted, no, needed to know how to make all of my relationships with the opposite sex be more like my first long-term relationship (a cute girl, but not as hot as the last girl), where I had all the power and the girl always kept coming back for more. Seeing that hot girl (the last girl) eventually become fat and ugly while I started banging even hotter girls was additional motivation that I used to start me on my journey. So at that, my wing Holiday, another friend, and I started on our journey to becoming PUAs.

Before I get into the stories of what has already taken place, I will point out the goals I have set out for myself to pace my progress as a PUA, some of which I have already accomplished. Of course, they get more difficult as they get completed. Without further ado, here are my goals:
1. Learn material/Read as much about pick-up as I possibly can.
2. Start approaching.
3. Create attraction, build rapport, and comfort.
4. # close.
5. In club makeout/kiss-close.
6. Day 2s.
7. F-close.
8. mLTRs.
9. LTR with the One.

A little more background on me. Now, unfortunately, unlike many of the PUAs you might have read about in The Game, I view pick-up as a hobby, a lifestyle, and not as an obsession. I do not go out 4-5 nights a week. If I sarge 2 nights a week, I consider that a very productive week. This is more a fact of circumstance than a real choice. If I had a choice, I probably would sarge a whole lot more, but I value my income, job, and future financial stability too much to sacrifice that in order to bang a lot more hot chicks. I wouldn't consider myself in as much a dire situation as many other aspiring PUAs. In a way that helps since I am currently working at a job that requires many long hours during the week leaving me very little time to do any weeknight sarging. Am I planning on staying at this job forever? Of course not. I know it is stunting my growth as a PUA and that is probably THE main reason why I am looking for another job.

...or maybe I'm just being "an Excuser" as Shark would say, but for now, it's the life that I lead.

For all the other PUAs out there, I hope you find my blog entertaining, invigorating, sometimes unbelievable, but most of all, helpful and educational. Please feel free to leave me comments/suggestions.


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