FR: Out of My Element
Yes, I'm Asian. Yes, I used to promote for Asian clubs, but for the first time in a year and a half, I went to an Asian club. I got burnt out from the Asian scene from promoting and going to their parties twice every week and I needed to get out of it. However, for this time, I would make an exception and go. It was my good friend's birthday and it was what he wanted to do, so I headed out with him to help him celebrate his birthday.
We ended up going to Tatou in Downtown LA. It actually wasn't too bad. My friend had gotten us onto the guest list because he is in with the head promoter (who happens to be the brother of the head promoter who I used to promote for -- small world). We got in easily and for free.
The night starts off pretty slow as we're trying to wait for a couple friends to arrive. We walk around some. There's some cute Asian chicks, but really, I'm not into them anymore (if you know my backstory, I used to date a really hot Asian chick and most other Asian chicks don't stand up to her, so I can't downgrade in that respect). I figure I'm just going to take it easy, chill with my friend and make sure he has a good time. Help him wing if necessary.
We walk around, checking out the scene. Go upstairs and walk around. Then I see these 2 hot non-Asian chicks. HB Promoter, a 9.5, and HB Promoter Friend, an 8.5. They are both easily the hottest chicks in the place. Pretty faces and both have banging bodies.
The only problem is that they're with 2 Asian dudes. Do I AMOG my Asian brothers? How do I work myself into their set? Fuck. I'm at a loss. I know I could potentially blow them out, but one of the guys looks pretty intimidating. He might kick my ass. That's one thing I hate about the Asian scene. You can't tell who's a thug-wannabe and who's actually cool. If you try to AMOG some guy, he might end up stabbing you for blowing him out. I had to play this cautiously.
I tell my friend about the chicks and he's like, good luck man. He goes and wanders off to do his own thing. I'm biding my time, trying to find the perfect scenario to integrate myself into their group.
They end up walking to the dance floor to go dance. I'm like, fuck, I just need to talk to people, so I start to wander around. I see this 4 set, 2 of who are wearing what I assume to be birthday hats. I open them with, "Happy birthday! whichever one of your birthdays it is." *smile* The girls laugh, and tell me, "It's neither of our birthdays. You should read the hats closer, they just say 'Party girls' on them." I look closer and respond, "so they do! Those hats are pretty awesome." I introduce myself and get their names. Chat with them for a bit and bounce. They're not really all that interesting nor are they really all that hot, but I just wanted to get myself into a better state and be able to conversate.
I walk around some more and plant myself at a location on the second floor overlooking the dance floor. This girl, HB Tattoo comes up next to me and looks out to the dance floor. I open her with, "hey, I really like your tattoo. It rocks!" She replies with a "thanks." I continue to plow and push myself. I'm not satisfied with her one-word answer. "You know, I have a tattoo myself. It's on my back. After I got it, I really wanted to get another one. It's really addicting. It's like a drug. It's weird, they hurt when you get them, but you get into this state of euphoria after you get it done. Was it the same for you?" She responds with, "Totally! I want to get another tattoo myself." So I ask her, "what do you want to get?" She replies, "A phoenix all over my back." I reply, "that's awesome" even though I think that's unattractive. Girls with some tattoos are cool, but I don't want a girl with tattoos covering large parts of her body. I'm now in with her and she introduces me to her friend. We chat for a bit and then they get pulled aside by the dudes they're with. I don't really care about this set, so I don't try and talk to the dudes. The dudes leave and I talk to them a bit more before telling them, "it was nice to meet you guys" and bounce.
I'm now in a pretty good state and am ready to tackle my real targets of the night. I wander around some trying to find them, but can't find them. I go back to my "spot" overlooking the dance floor and lo and behold, they're right next to where I was standing. HB Promoter is dancing with some random dude. I toast him, "cheers!" He toasts me back and i continue to look out at the crowd. I've just started my integration. I've shown that I'm not afraid to talk to people. HB Promoter and the random dude stop dancing and the random dude comes to look over the crowd next to me. I introduce myself to him and we start chatting it up. He's plastered and goes to find his friends. He actually wasn't part of their group. FUCK! There's actually about 4 Asian dudes with the HB Promoters now. This is going to be tough.
Finally, another guy who's in the group with the HB Promoters comes up next to me to look over the crowd. I open him with, "hey, is that shirt from Express? I have that same EXACT shirt (credit jeromevincent)!" I actually do have that exact same shirt. Glad I didn't wear it. He goes on to tell me that it is and that he worked for Express for 6 months so he could stock up on clothes. We laugh and introduce ourselves. He then goes back to talk to his group of friends. Another guy from the group comes up on the other side of me and I introduce myself to him. This guy, Steve, is pretty cool. I'm glad I didn't go and AMOG him. We chat it up. he's actually a promoter himself. I ask him how he knows everyone in the group and he tells me that they're all promoters for the same company. Got it. None of the girls are with any of the guys. They're open for the taking -- for the gaming. HB Promoter comes up on the other side of me, so that Steve's on one side of me, and HB Promoter is on the other side. I introduce myself. By showing that I can conversate with Steve and that he's cool with me, I social proofed myself to her and she was willing to come up and talk to me.
We chat it up, talking about promoting, talking about whatever. We end up dancing. I kino it up this time. I'm touching her around her waist, on her shoulders, her elbow, everywhere that wouldn't be construed as creepy. I had lost sight of kino over the past couple of weeks, but I'm doing it perfect this time. She's totally attracted. I call her a "brat" and "trouble." She loves me. She grabs me to dance with her. We dance real close. I'm getting my sexual vibe out there. Things are going really well. She spanks me then turns around and spanks herself, so I spank her. HARD. She's shocked. I guess most Asian guys don't do that. I'm not like most Asian guys. She laughs and pushes me away. Calling me bad. I'm like, what? Me? YOU spanked me first. YOU'RE such a BAD girl! This goes on for a bit. Finally she relents and accepts that she's bad. We chat some more.
BUT THEN...her friend HB Promoter Friend comes and pulls her away. COCKBLOCK! FUCK! I forgot to disarm the obstacle. I was so proud of myself for integrating myself and getting rid of the MALE cockblocks, I forgot to get rid of the FEMALE cockblock. DAMMIT!!!
Anyway, my friend, who's birthday it is, finds me and we start chatting for a bit. I introduce him to the group who I'm now a part of. He's no help and he wanders off shortly after. Steve then starts talking to HB Promoter Friend and HB Promoter comes back and sidles up next to me. We start dancing again. I find out that she's half Hispanic, half German. She is fucking SO hot. I ask her, "so what's the best way to contact you if I want to get on the guest list?" She responds, "Oh, you're soo smooth. You should know. You're a friend of Steve's. I shouldn't give you my number." At this point, I about freak out. FUCKKK!!! I got too chummy with Steve. Now, she thinks I've known Steve for a LONG time. How do I rectify this situation?
I end up telling her that I just met Steve tonight. I don't know how to contact him. So she tells me, OK, I'll talk to you about it later then. I'm like, Fuck it. I'm done. My friend comes back and finds me at that moment. I tell them all it was nice to meet them and go walk around with my friend.
He's trying to talk to this girl but there's some dude following her around who's one of those satellite guys. He wants to bone her, but she only sees him as a friend. I tell him, alrite, let's go. I'll occupy him while you talk to the girl. We walk around and find them. He can't seem to get the courage to talk to her even though he's talked to her before and gotten her number. I'm like, dude, just go. He keeps looking at her. I tell him to stop glancing at her. If you keep doing that and not make a move she's going to think you're creepy. We're standing, literally, about 7 feet away from her. He says fuck it and we walk away.
We walk around some more and he wanders off again. I walk around the place and run into HB Promoter. We start dancing together again, but then...HB Promoter Friend comes over and pulls HB Promoter away. AGAIN!!! FUCKING COCKBLOCK!! OMG!!
I just walk away. She's obviously attracted, but HB Promoter Friend is cockblocking and HB Promoter has some reservations about me because she thinks I'm Steve's friend. Man, I don't know what to do now. I'm pretty sure this set is over and done. Not much more I can do now.
I go and find my friend. We try to find more girls, but all I see are ugly Asian girls. I have a problem with comparing. None of these girls would match up to HB Promoter. I wouldn't be satisfied talking to these girls. FUCK. Oh well. Somewhere along the lines, I had found out that HB Promoter has 2 kids. At this point, I'm trying to lessen the blow of not getting her number by telling myself that I don't want to mess with a chick who already has 2 kids.
Walk around by myself. Go to get some water. Run into HB Promoter again. Is this chick stalking me? haha. We dance some more, but I'm cautious. I don't want HB Promoter Friend coming over and taking HB Promoter away. I think she senses the distance and that something's changed. I end up telling her that I don't think HB Promoter Friend likes me very much. She laughs. We dance for a bit more then she goes back to her group. I leave and I'm ready to bounce out of this place.
I find my friend and we head out. I go up to HB Promoter, give her a hug and bounce. I don't ask for her number again. I'm over it. She wouldn't give it to me in front of HB Promoter Friend and 2 other Asian dudes (not including Steve) anyway.
Roll home and call it a night.
I did get Steve's contact info. I could roll out there and meet up with them, but I really just don't like that scene. I'd rather move on and find other chicks...what do you guys think?
1) Was social
2) Integrated myself into a mixed set
3) Got the 9.5 attracted to me
4) Got back to using kino
5) Got in some Compliance game
1) Didn't close
2) Needed a wing
3) Didn't use any Attainability game
We ended up going to Tatou in Downtown LA. It actually wasn't too bad. My friend had gotten us onto the guest list because he is in with the head promoter (who happens to be the brother of the head promoter who I used to promote for -- small world). We got in easily and for free.
The night starts off pretty slow as we're trying to wait for a couple friends to arrive. We walk around some. There's some cute Asian chicks, but really, I'm not into them anymore (if you know my backstory, I used to date a really hot Asian chick and most other Asian chicks don't stand up to her, so I can't downgrade in that respect). I figure I'm just going to take it easy, chill with my friend and make sure he has a good time. Help him wing if necessary.
We walk around, checking out the scene. Go upstairs and walk around. Then I see these 2 hot non-Asian chicks. HB Promoter, a 9.5, and HB Promoter Friend, an 8.5. They are both easily the hottest chicks in the place. Pretty faces and both have banging bodies.
The only problem is that they're with 2 Asian dudes. Do I AMOG my Asian brothers? How do I work myself into their set? Fuck. I'm at a loss. I know I could potentially blow them out, but one of the guys looks pretty intimidating. He might kick my ass. That's one thing I hate about the Asian scene. You can't tell who's a thug-wannabe and who's actually cool. If you try to AMOG some guy, he might end up stabbing you for blowing him out. I had to play this cautiously.
I tell my friend about the chicks and he's like, good luck man. He goes and wanders off to do his own thing. I'm biding my time, trying to find the perfect scenario to integrate myself into their group.
They end up walking to the dance floor to go dance. I'm like, fuck, I just need to talk to people, so I start to wander around. I see this 4 set, 2 of who are wearing what I assume to be birthday hats. I open them with, "Happy birthday! whichever one of your birthdays it is." *smile* The girls laugh, and tell me, "It's neither of our birthdays. You should read the hats closer, they just say 'Party girls' on them." I look closer and respond, "so they do! Those hats are pretty awesome." I introduce myself and get their names. Chat with them for a bit and bounce. They're not really all that interesting nor are they really all that hot, but I just wanted to get myself into a better state and be able to conversate.
I walk around some more and plant myself at a location on the second floor overlooking the dance floor. This girl, HB Tattoo comes up next to me and looks out to the dance floor. I open her with, "hey, I really like your tattoo. It rocks!" She replies with a "thanks." I continue to plow and push myself. I'm not satisfied with her one-word answer. "You know, I have a tattoo myself. It's on my back. After I got it, I really wanted to get another one. It's really addicting. It's like a drug. It's weird, they hurt when you get them, but you get into this state of euphoria after you get it done. Was it the same for you?" She responds with, "Totally! I want to get another tattoo myself." So I ask her, "what do you want to get?" She replies, "A phoenix all over my back." I reply, "that's awesome" even though I think that's unattractive. Girls with some tattoos are cool, but I don't want a girl with tattoos covering large parts of her body. I'm now in with her and she introduces me to her friend. We chat for a bit and then they get pulled aside by the dudes they're with. I don't really care about this set, so I don't try and talk to the dudes. The dudes leave and I talk to them a bit more before telling them, "it was nice to meet you guys" and bounce.
I'm now in a pretty good state and am ready to tackle my real targets of the night. I wander around some trying to find them, but can't find them. I go back to my "spot" overlooking the dance floor and lo and behold, they're right next to where I was standing. HB Promoter is dancing with some random dude. I toast him, "cheers!" He toasts me back and i continue to look out at the crowd. I've just started my integration. I've shown that I'm not afraid to talk to people. HB Promoter and the random dude stop dancing and the random dude comes to look over the crowd next to me. I introduce myself to him and we start chatting it up. He's plastered and goes to find his friends. He actually wasn't part of their group. FUCK! There's actually about 4 Asian dudes with the HB Promoters now. This is going to be tough.
Finally, another guy who's in the group with the HB Promoters comes up next to me to look over the crowd. I open him with, "hey, is that shirt from Express? I have that same EXACT shirt (credit jeromevincent)!" I actually do have that exact same shirt. Glad I didn't wear it. He goes on to tell me that it is and that he worked for Express for 6 months so he could stock up on clothes. We laugh and introduce ourselves. He then goes back to talk to his group of friends. Another guy from the group comes up on the other side of me and I introduce myself to him. This guy, Steve, is pretty cool. I'm glad I didn't go and AMOG him. We chat it up. he's actually a promoter himself. I ask him how he knows everyone in the group and he tells me that they're all promoters for the same company. Got it. None of the girls are with any of the guys. They're open for the taking -- for the gaming. HB Promoter comes up on the other side of me, so that Steve's on one side of me, and HB Promoter is on the other side. I introduce myself. By showing that I can conversate with Steve and that he's cool with me, I social proofed myself to her and she was willing to come up and talk to me.
We chat it up, talking about promoting, talking about whatever. We end up dancing. I kino it up this time. I'm touching her around her waist, on her shoulders, her elbow, everywhere that wouldn't be construed as creepy. I had lost sight of kino over the past couple of weeks, but I'm doing it perfect this time. She's totally attracted. I call her a "brat" and "trouble." She loves me. She grabs me to dance with her. We dance real close. I'm getting my sexual vibe out there. Things are going really well. She spanks me then turns around and spanks herself, so I spank her. HARD. She's shocked. I guess most Asian guys don't do that. I'm not like most Asian guys. She laughs and pushes me away. Calling me bad. I'm like, what? Me? YOU spanked me first. YOU'RE such a BAD girl! This goes on for a bit. Finally she relents and accepts that she's bad. We chat some more.
BUT THEN...her friend HB Promoter Friend comes and pulls her away. COCKBLOCK! FUCK! I forgot to disarm the obstacle. I was so proud of myself for integrating myself and getting rid of the MALE cockblocks, I forgot to get rid of the FEMALE cockblock. DAMMIT!!!
Anyway, my friend, who's birthday it is, finds me and we start chatting for a bit. I introduce him to the group who I'm now a part of. He's no help and he wanders off shortly after. Steve then starts talking to HB Promoter Friend and HB Promoter comes back and sidles up next to me. We start dancing again. I find out that she's half Hispanic, half German. She is fucking SO hot. I ask her, "so what's the best way to contact you if I want to get on the guest list?" She responds, "Oh, you're soo smooth. You should know. You're a friend of Steve's. I shouldn't give you my number." At this point, I about freak out. FUCKKK!!! I got too chummy with Steve. Now, she thinks I've known Steve for a LONG time. How do I rectify this situation?

I end up telling her that I just met Steve tonight. I don't know how to contact him. So she tells me, OK, I'll talk to you about it later then. I'm like, Fuck it. I'm done. My friend comes back and finds me at that moment. I tell them all it was nice to meet them and go walk around with my friend.
He's trying to talk to this girl but there's some dude following her around who's one of those satellite guys. He wants to bone her, but she only sees him as a friend. I tell him, alrite, let's go. I'll occupy him while you talk to the girl. We walk around and find them. He can't seem to get the courage to talk to her even though he's talked to her before and gotten her number. I'm like, dude, just go. He keeps looking at her. I tell him to stop glancing at her. If you keep doing that and not make a move she's going to think you're creepy. We're standing, literally, about 7 feet away from her. He says fuck it and we walk away.
We walk around some more and he wanders off again. I walk around the place and run into HB Promoter. We start dancing together again, but then...HB Promoter Friend comes over and pulls HB Promoter away. AGAIN!!! FUCKING COCKBLOCK!! OMG!!

I just walk away. She's obviously attracted, but HB Promoter Friend is cockblocking and HB Promoter has some reservations about me because she thinks I'm Steve's friend. Man, I don't know what to do now. I'm pretty sure this set is over and done. Not much more I can do now.
I go and find my friend. We try to find more girls, but all I see are ugly Asian girls. I have a problem with comparing. None of these girls would match up to HB Promoter. I wouldn't be satisfied talking to these girls. FUCK. Oh well. Somewhere along the lines, I had found out that HB Promoter has 2 kids. At this point, I'm trying to lessen the blow of not getting her number by telling myself that I don't want to mess with a chick who already has 2 kids.
Walk around by myself. Go to get some water. Run into HB Promoter again. Is this chick stalking me? haha. We dance some more, but I'm cautious. I don't want HB Promoter Friend coming over and taking HB Promoter away. I think she senses the distance and that something's changed. I end up telling her that I don't think HB Promoter Friend likes me very much. She laughs. We dance for a bit more then she goes back to her group. I leave and I'm ready to bounce out of this place.
I find my friend and we head out. I go up to HB Promoter, give her a hug and bounce. I don't ask for her number again. I'm over it. She wouldn't give it to me in front of HB Promoter Friend and 2 other Asian dudes (not including Steve) anyway.
Roll home and call it a night.
I did get Steve's contact info. I could roll out there and meet up with them, but I really just don't like that scene. I'd rather move on and find other chicks...what do you guys think?
1) Was social
2) Integrated myself into a mixed set
3) Got the 9.5 attracted to me
4) Got back to using kino
5) Got in some Compliance game
1) Didn't close
2) Needed a wing
3) Didn't use any Attainability game
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